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What if experience was damage based instead of kill based? I hate seeing poor Borcha trying to kill a pirate for 2 minutes just to be knocked out and gaining no experience from it.
Great idea! I'd go for fully 'learn by application' system myself, but since I'm not Armagan... :smile:
Anyway, rather common situation: you shoot 2 arrows into someone, a sneaky ally closes in and gets the kill. "Don't steal kills, n00b!" :grin:
This will fix this quite nicely. And I always thought experience as too 'abstract' thing. Levelless and experience-less systems rule! (Well, at least in my book). But this will be at least a nice 'quick-fix'.
No to the first point, yes to the second. If Borcha tries to kill a pirate for 2 minutes and then gets knocked out, he's a bloody imbecile who shouldn't get any points for anything ever.
I had an idea for experience too, and figured I'd put it here rather than a whole new thread.

Right now, I think the experience through practice method for weapons is great, as well as the experience for completing quests.

What I would like to see is extending the experience through practice to other things, especially trade. Buying the correct items where they are produced and then selling them at the correct town for a profitable route could possibly result in some experience as well - you did have to execute a succesful trade route, plus, if it were a quests given to you by a merchant, you would have received experience points for it.
Weird... I just posted pretty much the same topic, only with a different aim. I agree that if Borcha gets knocked out before killing his target, that's his problem. But it's a pain when someone steals your kill.

Sorry for seemingly stealing your idea, Zandi. I swear I came up with it on my own :oops:
It used to be this way, but I changed it to the current xp-per-kill model. It's very irritating to see a "you got ... experience" message every time you hit your opponent.
Could be solved different like an XP Counter at the bottom that popps up or flashes when you hit someone like in old arcade games.
Additionally, you already do get experience for hitting your opponent, in the form of bonuses to your weapon skill.
armagan said:
It used to be this way, but I changed it to the current xp-per-kill model. It's very irritating to see a "you got ... experience" message every time you hit your opponent.

Yeah, that would be annoying. But why not just keep track of the experience that you've gotten from your hits, and display the total when the enemy is killed?
Tiedye said:
armagan said:
It used to be this way, but I changed it to the current xp-per-kill model. It's very irritating to see a "you got ... experience" message every time you hit your opponent.

Yeah, that would be annoying. But why not just keep track of the experience that you've gotten from your hits, and display the total when the enemy is killed?

Yup, exactlly what i wanted to propose. We dont need to see the xp gained with every hit. Keep the info invisible till the enemy is dead and then get the message you got xyz experience for xyz enemy.

That would be cooler. I just hate not getting xp when i makea pass on an enemy and do like 40 damage and then the knight riding past behind me gets the kill! :sad:
armagan said:
It used to be this way, but I changed it to the current xp-per-kill model. It's very irritating to see a "you got ... experience" message every time you hit your opponent.

Perhaps a compromise. You get the experience based on the percentage of damage you do. That is, if you do over 50% of the damage, you get the experience for the kill.
I am also for this because it would make it more like a skill based game then a hard coded level based.
Well, I say the level system is a keeper. It's just a nice, tangible sign of how your character is growing as a result of your efforts.
Ans since the level of the character has absolutely no impact on his hit points, the issue isn't as bad.

Even with a level-less system, at one point ore another, you'd have to give some stats/skills increase. And if it's a 'based on use' one, how would you manage things like surgery, tactics and the like (or inventory management...)
Well, I like to wound a lot of my enemies so that when they fight my men, they're not at full strength and thus easier for my troops to kill and gain experience points for themselves.

If I'm getting experience points for every hit, then that's that much less my men can get to level up.

So losing experience points to your troops isn't always so bad. :smile:
It used to be this way, but I changed it to the current xp-per-kill model. It's very irritating to see a "you got ... experience" message every time you hit your opponent.

Is it unreasonable to provide an option at the beginning of your character's career to choose which he or she would like to use?

how would you manage things like surgery, tactics and the like (or inventory management...)

Each time surgery saves a unit from dying, surgery experience is gained

For doing better than your tactical advantage suggests you will, you get better at tactics.

if your inventory is entirely or almsot entirely full, then you will gain inventory management skills over time, and slowly increase your capacity.

Do those seem reasonable? I don't think it's very hard to come up with straight-forward and reasonable methods for these things. It would however be a pain for armagan since he would have to individually hard-code the functions for xp gain for each individual skill in different ways.
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