
Just posting a request for Chel, which I am not expecting to be fulfilled anytime soon, since he's busy with EG3 right now, but anyway, here goes:
Could you make a port of EG2 for the current M&B version? I'd really appreciate that, loved the mod, but i can't play it anymore because the native version has moved on, and i dont want to go through the trouble of downgrading to 0.903
if you can do this - thanks. if not, i forgive you because you are providing EG3 soon
Could you make a port of EG2 for the current M&B version? I'd really appreciate that, loved the mod, but i can't play it anymore because the native version has moved on, and i dont want to go through the trouble of downgrading to 0.903
if you can do this - thanks. if not, i forgive you because you are providing EG3 soon