Exit to desktop in middle of fight

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the log file is empty, there was no error message supplied, it simply crashed to the desktop.

I was in the middle of a large combat (near the end of it in fact :sad: ) and was in an archery duel with another opponent, they fired at me and the screen froze for a few seconds (the enemy appeared to have hit me since the arrow was sticking right out the centre of the screen), then quit.
I get this very often. I noticed it happens when I have many buttons pushed down(3-4) and my mouse clicked. It hasn't happened when I haven't been engaged in battle. But it could be selective memory:.
This has also happened to me a few times. I'm not sure it matters what you're doing, as long as you're in a fight. Most recently, it occured while I was stationary on horseback, blocking. The autosave makes the crashes a bit less painful, but they're still annoying.
http://taleworlds.com/v-web/bulletin/bb/viewtopic.php?t=436 <-same bug, possible solution.
This has happened to me 5 times in a row now.

What I'm doing: I load a saved game where I am near rivacheg. I immediately engage battle with some pirates to the east a little (assuming the ocean is south). The pirates are already battling a vaegir caravan so I'm just helping the vaegirs out.

Once in battle, I tell the one riding unit to dismount then i tell them all to hold position.

I ride around and kill a few pirates and then it crashes. When it crashes, it either crashes to a black screen and my computer freezes, crashes to the desktop and restarts, or simply restarts. Most of the time it just crashes to a black screen and freezes.

This has happened while I was in the middle of battling pirates, while I was standing still on a hill looking down on the pirates, while I was riding towards the pirates, and while I just entered the battle.

I didn't have any crash problems before the .61 update. I had a couple assertion errors, but nothing more.

Intel Pentium 1.7 GHz
512 MB of Ram

Video card:
ATI Radeon 9600 (mobile)

This is a laptop I'm running it on.
This happened to me twice today.

I was fighting a large party of Black Khergit Raiders when it just CTD.
I have the same problem checked the other thread but the fix there doesnt seem to help. It crashes if I load the party screen while tavelling as well but that only seems to happen directly after loading a game.
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