Execution of insurrection leaders should NOT have negative impact on relations with nobles

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Executing a noble should have severe relations impact (as it does) on all nobles, but execution of insurrection leaders should actually lead to an increase in relations much as taking out a bandit hideout has a positive impact on nearby nobles. These are rebels against the lawful authority who have committed crimes against the sovereignty in power need to be made an example of quickly before others think they can become kings themselves merely by rousing mobs to begin to burn and loot cities. It makes no sense that nobles would be upset by this, even your enemies.
execution will have -40 relationship to many many lords, so I never execute any lords, what's the point of execution?
I think it should only affect on that lord's family member - 40 , lords friend -20, lords enemy +20

it shouldn't have all -40 to every lords, then no player will ever execute lords ever.
execution will have -40 relationship to many many lords, so I never execute any lords, what's the point of execution?
I think it should only affect on that lord's family member - 40 , lords friend -20, lords enemy +20

it shouldn't have all -40 to every lords, then no player will ever execute lords ever.

You shouldn't be taking -40 with every single lord...

If the victim had the dishonorable trait you suffer the following relations losses:
  • -30 with the victim's clan
  • -15 with the victim's friends
  • -5 with the victim's faction
Otherwise you lose:
  • -60 with the victim's clan
  • -30 with the victim's friends
  • -10 with the victim's faction
  • -10 with all honorable lords

Mutually exclusive with one another, so you're not getting hit any harder than a -60. You can pretty much freely execute one or two ****heads every few years and keep your positive traits.
Agree, rebels should expect to loose their heads if the rebellion fails. AI should execute rebels after capture (meaning no rebel clans will be left on the world map after when city gets retaken), and player should experience relation gain with the ruling clan of the kingdom affected by rebellion if he exexutes a rebel lord.

Also, executing normal lords doesn't currently give that severe penalty. I recently chopped Mochung's head off (those Khuzait raids really tend to piss me off) and got bad rep mostly with his family and to lesser extent his friends.
Yeah I tried it out since it mentions somewhere in the rebellion description topic that if they fail they get executed by the original owners. It's okay, they're just like a minor faction and I think they eventually go away.... though some seem to be running around un-affiliated with a faction... Idduno
I think they're supposed to just disappear when a faction defeats them and "executed" is just the flavor description of the devs.

I agree it's be okay to remove the penalty for executing them though, unless it's only for a lords with certain personality.
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