SP - General Execution of Caladog as Empire should be rewarded by imperials

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Following ingame lore:

As the previous Battanian king favoured peace/ collaboration with the Empire, Caladog's ascension to king resulted in Battania going to war against the Empire and as the leader of these mountain barbarians he is in part guilty of the crime of defeating the Empire. After defeating him in battle there should be the option of publicly parading and executing him in the capital of one of the three Imperial factions thus adding credibility to this faction's capability of restoring the Empire. In the eyes of imperials this should make a war hero out of the lord/ hero to defeat him and other unforgivable enemies of the Empire.
+1 - game needs more in-depth things like this. Currently there's no RPG aspect to the game other than you're levelling a specific character, and controlling them.
There needs to be a lot more ways the world should interact with the player in general. High relationships currently mean little. Would be nice to purchase unique troops, be gifted legendary equipment, or open up unique questlines when the player relation is high enough for certain lords/kings.
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