SP - General Executing a lord

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Executing a lord should no longer have such negative effect on half the clans in the game, I can understand implementing this feature when the game had just came out given that there were no ways to spawn more nobles and the action existed to convince a player not to do it.
But with the implementation of children and rebellious clans, there's no end to the amount of nobles being spawn left and right. With that in mind, executing a lord should only matter to other lords in the same clan and his friends. You should even gain relation with his enemies.
I think executions should be tied to crimes in the game. The base settings is as is but game should give reasons to execute the clanrealder of a faction.

My opinion is that executing lords should not be a tactic. It should be a playstyle. When executing a lord though - with or without a valid reason, every clan in that clans faction will likely execute captives of your clan. They might even retribute on other clans in your faction. This could start a vendetta
Executing a enemy lord as a crime? well you are at war, I would think war beats crime when it comes to severity of punishment. I mean, if you execute a certain enemy lord and another clan member of his gets to capture you, sure I think it's a fair deal. Chop a head, lose your head.
But I do think relations should have more impact in the game, for example, if that clan member had bad relations with the lord you executed, he shouldn't chop your head.
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But I do think relations should have more impact in the game, for example, if that clan member had bad relations with the lord you executed, he shouldn't chop your head.
More impact? Well first there needs to be a relation within clans! Only clan relation. And why should he care to spare you - an ememy he hates who killed his former clanleader of such reason?

Executing a enemy lord as a crime? well you are at war, I would think war beats crime when it comes to severity of punishment.
Noble codex? Fear? What happens to my enemy can happen to me? Dying in battle is honorable - glorious! Executions however is something that happens to traiters and peasants - nothing nobles wish to happen their most vile noble enemies. Nobles are not executing each other left and right. They should be more valueable as prisoners.

Executions should not be a tactic. It should be a playstyle. And it should definatly not make the game easier.
More impact? Well first there needs to be a relation within clans! Only clan relation. And why should he care to spare you - an ememy he hates who killed his former clanleader of such reason?
Yeah, I was talking about individual relations and not clan relations. With clan relations is simple, you execute a noble, you are marked for execution by that clan. Don't get caught.
But I shouldn't be hated by some other clans that have nothing to do with that.
But I shouldn't be hated by some other clans that have nothing to do with that.
Why not? If you execute a nobles without any reason [that they can undersund], they should hate you, fear you and try pick you out. That why I want the game to have reasons.

It´s a part of nobility to not fear beeing inprisoned. On the contrary, a chanse to know your enemy, an appriciated story when you come home plus a sence of value when you see the sum your familly pays for you.
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If you started doing it massively, sure I get your point. But if you execute some noble, for example, a Khuzait noble, why would a Vladian noble care? Sure, maybe if he has a honor trait it would make sense for him not to appreciate the action but not everyone has that trait, so why would they care?
If you started doing it massively, sure I get your point. But if you execute some noble, for example, a Khuzait noble, why would a Vladian noble care? Sure, maybe if he has a honor trait it would make sense for him not to appreciate the action but not everyone has that trait, so why would they care?
I think he should care. The question is, how would he know. If he at all knew you, he would probably know this one thing about you though. And dissaprove.
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