Excellent game!

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i dont know where to start, as i have a lot of feedback to give.

horses rock, simple as that. It is unbelievable how well done they are, especially the horseman 'duels'. I have always wondered why games didnt have horseborne fighting, considering how important it was all over europe and asia. Congratulations on capturing it so well. Horse archery is also great.

horses attacking, it would be cool if the horses would kick and bite when bogged down in combat, maybe only warhorses and/or chargers. This would improve their lifespans and from what i understand be very realistic.

horse tricks, just wondering if youd ever think of adding horse tricks? like they had in the napoleonic era, maybe they didnt have them back then, but like quick turnabouts, or sidestepping or jumping, maybe only for high skill horses/riders.

more varied maps, i would like to see different map types for battles, forest maps for when their is the forest on the world map, or rocky maps near mountains, or steppe maps (flat with high grass) near the steppes, rivers only near the river. If nothing else i would like to see some maps which are mostly flat to allow more horsemanship, as it is the tornament ground is fun for horses.

choose strike, i am so surprised that people are not clamoring everywhere for you to allow them to choose their strike. Maybe just p[oll the mouse position when the button is depressed and again when it is let up and depending on the direction the mouse is moved in the interim (left, right, up, down) do that strike, up for thrust. For the ai just some simple where is target query, if on my left swing left, if in front of me random.

more strategy stuff, i love most of all the feeling of this world going on around you while you are playing, i dont know how much you plan to expand this but i would love more than anything to see this expanded. One or two more kingdoms would be great, with settlements for the raiders and such. I understand that cities switching hands is probably not likely for a number of reasons, but it would be nice if killing enemies meant something, maybe they only produce so many so often? and when they lose foragers and caravans the cities become poorer or somehting? To be honest i would just like to see somethings added here, maybe dynamic wars? really just anything. Do you have anything planned for the dynamic world? something to make it feel like wiping out that party was worht it?

Something so that units speed is somehow variable? maybe a skill check every hour so that sometimes, you can catch those scouts instead of knowing that they are always 7.5 and you are 7.1 so chasing them goes on forever. This skill check would change skill from like -.3 to +.3 or some similarly small number.

dynamic trading it would be nice if trade was effected randomly or by bandits so as to keep you on your toes, then people could tell you when you ask them whats up somehting like 'caravans have been unable to make to tulga recently, they must really be hurting for tools' or something.

little touches i love are the arrows and javelins in guys, and of course the types of armies, how the swadians are european and the other guys are turkish/arabic? or the mongol guys or the vikings too, or the variety of bandits all of it is excellent. Also am i right that the kite shields have a different coat of arms for each country?

a quick battle option would be very nice, something at the main menu where you choose your equipment and the troops on each side and maybe a map and then let loose.

tourney variety would be nice like a sea raider verse steppe raider themed match, or peasents assaulting knight, where one side is a knight and the other is like 3 peasents or similar. Then the type of scenario and the players side could effect the gambling odds. So if the blue side always wins scenario 2 (mongols v. vikings) and the player is on team red then he could win more than 2 to 1. Also maybe some tournament fame for the player so that once he is really good at it people will be in awe of him but he cant bet on himself or the team hes on gets a huge favor in the odds. Also maybe a classic tourney held every now and then in the swadian capitol or the vaegir capitol. At the swadian one would be jousting in lanes or melees and such and at the vaegir one would be mounted and standing archery at targets etc.

mounted men dont seem to be listening to you when you give the wait here command, it would be nice if they did. Also a go here (mouse coords) would be really nice. maybe a ranged/melee attack order? or some mechanism for arranging your troops into groups like 1, 2 ,3 etc. So that i can push 1 2 and group one follows me but group 2 doesnt.

Picking outfits for your troops would be nice, so that when you hire those four peasents you can pick that they weild the club outfit instead of the pitchfork outfit.

Weapons breaking or deteriorating like horses would be nice. Then they could only block so much damage before being broken. This would allow you to lower equipment prices to be more resonable, as people will need to replace their equipment. Also you would have to add punching so you could do some fighting when your last weapon breaks, or allow you to pick up weapons. maybe 8b damage short range no blocking?

what are towns going to be like? like zendar or the others? i like the pick location way, but maybe the locations could be 'merchants quarter', 'castle', 'downtown' etc. and each one would be an area like zendar, this would make the towns seem larger. But what all do you have planned for towns? also zendar doesnt have a lord yet i keep being asked to deliver messages to him

i feel kinda like im shortchanging you paying just 10 bucks for a great game that you still have to work on, please tell me that my 10$ goes far in Turkey :smile:

You should definately enter your game in this years IGF (independant games festival) there are a number of cash prizes.

it is just amazing how great this game is, especially considering just you and your wife worked on it, congratulations again to both of you.

thanks in advance for any feedback.

PS what is new in version 6.01? when cna we expect the new version? (i know it will be awhile, i can be patient)
fastjack said:
horse tricks, just wondering if youd ever think of adding horse tricks? like they had in the napoleonic era, maybe they didnt have them back then, but like quick turnabouts, or sidestepping or jumping, maybe only for high skill horses/riders.

Could be cool if you gained some kind of familiararity with your horse the longer you kept or more you used the same horse... then over time you teach it these tricks.
fastjack, I share your ideas about the dynamic world system... This would make the game more interesting and entertaining. Armagan should consider some of these ideas :wink:

fastjack said:
choose strike, i am so surprised that people are not clamoring everywhere for you to allow them to choose their strike.

Yes, why didn't we clamored about this ! :lol: It has also came to my attention while playing but I didn't bother to post about it (lazy me :smile: ). You're right, an attack system like in the Morrowind would be great anyway...
Weapon deterioration is a good idea... cause now shields (even with traits) do not last long, and parrying with indestructible weapons seem to be unfair.
About speeds - by the way, is your speed on overmap depends ONLY on your load and pathfinding skill?
Why not make it dependant on you horse too? (Will be viable only for solo players or scouts anyway, so it's not overpower.)
So, if you have a horse with 10 speed - you'll move with speed of 10 on overmap. (Provided you don't have too much stuff).
Also, I think that a bonus of meager 3% per pathfinding skill is way too small. Make it at least 5% ... otherwise it's really not worth taking, I guess.
Yea, I guess you have have very high chances of winning prizes on IGF :smile:. In fact, you did what cash-stuffed Bethesda failed to provide, and did it very good (nearly perfect, I'd say)! It's not a small feat.
What 'charge' parameter of a horse mean? How much extra damage is applied to the blow, or it's just 'acceleration'? Or both?
Thanks a lot for your great feedback. That was really quite a long message. You could almost compete with Thormac :smile:

Some of the points you mentioned are in my todo list: more varied maps, more strategy stuff, more types of tourneys. I hope to make improvements about these in time.

Horse tricks and dynamic trading would be nice but I'll probably pass them out since I'm already overhelmed by the planned features.

I'll think about choosing strike direction. I can perhaps add this as an option.

Thanks again for your kind remarks and encouragement.

Charge stat determines only damage.
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