Evil doing...

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Memento Mori

You should be abele to be a bit evil to in this game... For example you could attack peasants and sell them to a slave trader and be abele to raid towns... that whould have bean great...
Well, yea. But it should have proper consequences for that coded in, and that's the hard part, I guess.
Perhaps you would take a diplomatic hit to both sides? Not a big one, but enough to make you hesitate to become a bandit.
Balor said:
Well, yea. But it should have proper consequences for that coded in, and that's the hard part, I guess.

Just like 47, I also say that attacking peasants should give you a pretty large minus to rep with the faction that those peasants belong to.
WEll, yea. But ending up as a 'enemy of all' you will make you life too hard. There is a bandit outpost there, however (just like pirate bases in SR) - so, once it will be working, it should be feasible.
calandale said:
Yeah, one of my biggest thrills is charging down the rabble in Darkmod. In both it and Last Days, you can really be evil (which means that you take prisoners alive instead of murdering the surrendered fools).
Posted on: April 10, 2005, 10:22:23 am

Posted on: March 14, 2006, 03:24:42

that was SUCH a worthwhile bump, wasnt it ^^
Not my doing, the person who bumped this deleted his post it seems... Though i could have noticed it myself...
The delete function sucks if you ask me.
ya that would be sweet, and if you could go into towns and steal things off of traders counters (like in fable). or maybe add some stleath things where u can blend into the night and slit townsmans throats from behind.... that would be so ossome...
cobhc_deadnightwarrior said:
ya that would be sweet, and if you could go into towns and steal things off of traders counters (like in fable). or maybe add some stleath things where u can blend into the night and slit townsmans throats from behind.... that would be so ossome...
Why don't you go play Thief?  (not t3, it blows...)

I say yes, implement it, provided realistic consequences are also included.  Higher prices or no abiliy to buy any men, everyone hunts you, eventually manhunter parties spawn hunting you, and when you are caught, you are simply executed.  If you want to be evil, it should be damn hard.  Of course, identifying guilt should be in there too, so if you slaughter every refugee and no-one sees anything, then it doesn't point back to you...
There was a thread on being evil a few pages back. go check it out if you want my opinion on the matter.
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