evil army?

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ok so I LOVE! the mod so far and there is only a few minor issues...but the main thing ive been looking for are spy's and how to make an evil army...ive been to just about every inn looking for spy's and I can't find them, any help with that? and I have like -45 honor but I cant get any bandits to join me...am I looking at the wrong type of bandits?
You can right click other parties on the world map, and towns/castles to get options.
The spies can be sent out to intercept/fight enemies so you can catch up with them.
Send a spy to a town to give information about the garrison (see locations),
or do sabotage missions.
Talking about spies. They die rather fast when used to intercept another party. I just sent a group of 7 spies to intercept an escaping party of 7 bandits and they died in a couple seconds, giving me no extra time to catch them. Is this a bug or intentional?

Perhaps they should have a very high defense and hitpoints rating and a very low damage outpout in the autoresolve calculations. This way, even small groups of spies could distract and temporarily stop the advance of an army with ambushes and hit-and-run tactics, as they are intended to work.
Actually the spies are scrimishers so they are just meant to attack and cause a few caualties and leave, not a prolonged battle.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You can be evil, and recruit bandits and the like???

Why has this thought never crossed my mind......

OH and btw this mod is so awesome!!!!

Anyone here read the Warlords Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell?

You can be evil, and recruit bandits and the like???

You need be bad boy, and have negative honour.  :grin:

Anyone here read the Warlords Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell?

Lol, i think that everybody here have read it, it is very near to Brytenwalda times. If you play Brytenwalda you meet to historical Derfel too.

If you like this time, you should look this poems: Canu Heledd and Y Goddodin... ah and Beowulf!
About the spies, even though I understand they should only be used to stop the faster bandit suckers from running away, still they last like 2 seconds and then they die, regardless if you use 5 or 29 (that's about the most spies I've had at the same time, 30 something). I do believe that they're not supposed to be dying that quick...but then again, I might be wrong.
About the spies: same here. Mine die instantly when sent against just 10-15 bandits.
I hope this gets fixed (or someones explain to me if I'm doing something wrong) because the idea is excellent.
i think spyies have some bad parts like when they go to skirmish a party they must asasinate and return not fight like a army also i didn't seen anything changed with my sabotage missions the soldiers remain same no deads???
i sent my spies to hunt some deer, just to try out, the other day, and the deer, which dont fight at all in live battles, killed all my spies....
iskar said:
i sent my spies to hunt some deer, just to try out, the other day, and the deer, which dont fight at all in live battles, killed all my spies....

Hunting is for player only.

metohell said:
i think spyies have some bad parts like when they go to skirmish a party they must asasinate and return not fight like a army also i didn't seen anything changed with my sabotage missions the soldiers remain same no deads???

Assesinate? They arent assassins, when you send them to skirmish is for win time until you attack enemy.
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