Event Attendance

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Master Knight


If you are not listed in this picture then you need to post here to say you will definitely 100% be here on the day. You also need to come to the next training on the Saturday.
If you do neither of these things I will be looking to replace you.

Another thread will go up soon which will allow people to apply for these positions as I decide they become available.

Regiments that need the most love:
Scots Greys - are they ghosts or something?
KGL - need more than 4/5 guys.

Question: When exactly are all the events? I couldn't come to today's training due to the Ndition's tournament taking place at the exact same time (19 gmt+1). Same on next Sunday, I'm afraid.
*UPDATED 24/09*
Right, So here is the list of people in my regiment of whom I definitely know are attending the event, I will ammend/adjust the list if any changes arise, for those who are wondering how to confirm their position with me, private message me on the forums or report into the thread. D;
Event attendee's;
WanWan (Me) - Captain
Socks - Sergeant

Private Stevens
Sorry i missed this  :oops:

Il do whats in my power to come next time  :mrgreen:

/One of the "ghosts" in scots grey
I did my own screenshot, maybe there are some more, didnt checked it.

Hello britain all is well, France as you know we're  f***ed

45e, The leading regiment of France, We have basically been hosting trainings for france and ourselves, We have been as far as it is the most active regiment, We have been the only regiment to show up in full numbers at a single given training, You brits are doing well for yourself IT doesn't look good for france

We will show up if we're outnumbered we will still fight, If the odds are completely against we shalll fight.

Let that inspire all of waterloo, There is no fear no guilt, You die for your regiment you've done a good deed, The only fear i have is the fear for the french army's activity...
Sorry couldn't make it to this training session although i ad been to my regiment training earlier that day. I will be at the waterloo event, really looking forward to it,

Flashman 95th foot
I will attend when Titan does so, as will the rest of the Scots Grey. However, the past trainings have coincided with our own internal trainings which always take precedence.  :smile:

We will be there on the night, guaranteed.
Faewulf said:
Sorry for not being able to join the training, Though i think most of my regiment think all trainings except the last one are unnececery.  :lol:

The presence of soldiers who do not know what is expected of them and whom are also untrained is unecessary as well.
I think my 33rds are all going to attend, we trained hard, Harbringer is a great captain and our unit is one of the best trained of the British and maybe the Frensh team.
The 33rd are great :smile:

It is not about being competitive it is about doing it right. What is the point of a virtual recreation of Waterloo if your not going to do it properly.
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