Even a gymnast shouldn't be this flexible

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okiN said:
I expected more from you guys. I thought that was beautiful, and I want that woman's phone number.

I was thinking more along the lines of, i wouldn't expect anything less form YOU. Not my type let's say, you....go for it.
OMG!!!11!! she can sit on her own head... :razz: just try and imagine how many positions you could do with her :wink:
Well, with a chick that flexible... while you were both, well, yeah, she could also use her mouth to... umm, that is to say, flexibility could be interesting. :roll:
Dunno though, she looks a bit young for that. I'm not that good at judging age, on the other hand. <shrug>
well.. you guys, just freak out!
why care about her, shes just doing her thing. no thanks im not part of it.
i like the "old" ways...
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