
This Regiment officially formed on the 9th of July 2020, We used to be known as the " 12nd Brigada del Este ", re-named recently. If you wish to contact our leader, Brigade General Rober or other Detachment Leaders, the Steam Contacts are at the bottom of the Page. We are a European Regiment, but we accept anyone that would wish to become part of our community. This is still an expanding regiment always looking for new Members! We have 30+ People per event. The 78th Highlander Regiment of Foot is an international Regiment. History behind the 78th Ross-Shire Buffs Highlanders: The 78th (Highlanders) Regiment of Foot was a Highland Infantry Regiment of the Line, raised in 1793. Under the Childers Reforms it amalgamated with 72nd Regiment, Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders to form the Seaforth Highlanders in 1881. The Regiment served across all continents. In Europe in Gibraltar in 1805, Italy in 1806 at the Battle of Maida, and the Alexandria Expedition. The 78th Regiment also took part in the invasion of Java 1811 and helped to take the Dutch Cape Colony in 1796.


-Brigade General Retamar

-Captain Eraser

-=Non-Commissioned Officers=-
-Grenadier DarkMat
-Grenadier DarkMat

-Fusilier Veteran Mr.jerry

-Fusilier Veteran ZueraGaming

-Fusilier Veteran Tristan

-Fusilier Markez
-Fusilier Taisho
-Fusilier Rober
-Fusilier Gomesito
-Fusilier Pyrotaku
-Fusilier Durruti
-Fusilier Nicko03
-Cadet Sento
-Cadet Pistones
-Cadet Galloway
-Cadet Ashigaru
-Cadet Camilo
-Cadet Tortilla
-Cadet Pillo
-Cadet Morant
-Recruit Fontein
-Recruit Emilio
-Recruit Mao
-Recruit Xatan
-Recruit Richyrex
-Recruit Hector
-Recruit RedesRoja
-Recruit Xechu

-Fusilier Taisho

-Fusilier Rober

-Fusilier Gomesito

-Fusilier Pyrotaku

-Fusilier Durruti

-Fusilier Nicko03

-Cadet Sento

-Cadet Pistones

-Cadet Galloway

-Cadet Ashigaru

-Cadet Camilo

-Cadet Tortilla

-Cadet Pillo

-Cadet Morant

-Recruit Fontein

-Recruit Emilio

-Recruit Mao

-Recruit Xatan

-Recruit Richyrex

-Recruit Hector

-Recruit RedesRoja

-Recruit Xechu

-Moral Supporter Mr_T

Members: 30

-Colonel Basajaun

-=Non-Commissioned Officers=-
-Corporal Jakhline

-Corporal Camilo64

-Hussar Rivolta

-Hussar Manymac
-Hussar DonManue
-Hussar Igor
-Cadet Narvi
-Cadet Berenguel
-Recruit Nachio
-Recruit Eme
-Recruit Frankie
-Recruit Sergio
-Recruit Hdp

-Hussar DonManue

-Hussar Igor

-Cadet Narvi

-Cadet Berenguel

-Recruit Nachio

-Recruit Eme

-Recruit Frankie

-Recruit Sergio

-Recruit Hdp

Members: 14

-Colonel Oscar

-Lieutenant Colonel Shimanu
-=Non-Commissioned Officers=-

-=Non-Commissioned Officers=-
-Corporal Sirmanco
-First Class Artillerist Hawk

-First Class Artillerist Hawk

-Veteran Artillerist LaSombra

-Veteran Artillerist Fran

-Veteran Artillerist Cirdan

-Artillerist Wenceslao

-Artillerist Span

Members: 10

-Colonel Giussepe
-=Non-Commissioned Officers=-

-=Non-Commissioned Officers=-
-Sargeant AntonioD

-Chosenman Coco
Members: 9
Total Members: 63

[url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMzJV7ahnaexfeNwUxmtjg]Our Youtube Channel
Our Twitch Channel
This FSE page will be updated every Sunday. If you are going to join, Retamar // Jakhline // Oscar for the Spanish Community.

-Cadet AlbertoAm
-Cadet Gattamelata
-Cadet Draegon
-Recruit Ferrari
-Recruit Kalfran
-Recruit McRacism

-Cadet Gattamelata

-Cadet Draegon

-Recruit Ferrari

-Recruit Kalfran

-Recruit McRacism

Members: 9
Total Members: 63
Do you understand or speak Spanish or English? Looking for a Warband Regiment? Then feel free to add and message the following people below! If you are looking for a specific detachment to join, look above who is in-charge of it and add them on Steam through the links below.

[url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMzJV7ahnaexfeNwUxmtjg]Our Youtube Channel
Our Twitch Channel
This FSE page will be updated every Sunday. If you are going to join, Retamar // Jakhline // Oscar for the Spanish Community.
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