Need More Info Escrot merchant caravan bugged.

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Was trying to make money for my caravan since I was losing alot. Took a quest to follow a caravan. As Im following it I get caught by 2 steppe bandits, I get away but lose my men. The third time I get caught. When I escape and get some men I go back to the city it says the caravan was at. I go there and there's no caravan. quest is currently 20 days old.
Hello, sorry for the late reply. We have fixed a considerable amount of the problems we have encountered so far and improved the game performance with the multiple patches we have released. Please make sure that your game, your drivers, and OS are up to date and the game has necessary permissions over your security software. Please let us know if the problem persists after completing these steps and verifying the integrity of the game files through Steam.
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