Error with mod

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For my tong mod , i havn't been able to get it to run properly on the vanilla version of game because after multiple other errors im at the last one (i hope) and i simply cannot fathom why it's happening , was wondering if anyone knows what this could mean?

^ You will probably need to do a save as thing with it and zoom in to see the message properly.
Something wrong with one of your troops.txt entries, having to do with the skills. From the error, I'm guessing you tried to give one of the units a skill level higher than the max defined in skills.txt (8 unless you change it, 15 being the max you can change it to).
Cataphract said:
Did you build the mod first for hugemod&others, and then threw it into vanilla? If so, then it sounds quite risky to mod like that.

No, that error has naught to do with missing HugeMod(he'd just get a "could not find whatever" on load, rather than an in game error).
Cataphract said:
Did you build the mod first for hugemod&others, and then threw it into vanilla? If so, then it sounds quite risky to mod like that.

Yes i did exactly that , which is probably why it took me hours to do as i had to rip out the bits from the m7 txt files and put them in and stuff , i had lots of errors.

And Noo8 , i thought that may be the problem , although ive loaded up the editer dozen's of times and all skills are 7 or below , i did have a couple on 8 befor and the npcs ran fine anyway , but i changed them to 7 to see if it would fix it.
I cant see it very clearly but it looks like troops.txt. You need to go over and check every entry you made to make sure all your spacing is correct (if you did manual changes). Then make sure the file size at the top of the page is correct. Try increasing it by one just in case. Doublecheck everything in troops.txt that you changed including their inventory.

Just a tip but when I mod I change 2-3 related things and then load the game. If there is a problem I know right away and I know exactly where it is.
Ancientwanker said:
I cant see it very clearly but it looks like troops.txt. You need to go over and check every entry you made to make sure all your spacing is correct (if you did manual changes). Then make sure the file size at the top of the page is correct. Try increasing it by one just in case. Doublecheck everything in troops.txt that you changed including their inventory.

Well i managed to make sure all the file size's are correct , i know that because ive tested it and if any are wrong the game crashs befor you get to the main menu , which i get into game so it's not that.

Although i am getting really pissed atm.

What i did was basically this : I downloaded m7 mod and Hugemod , awhile back , then i made my mod with the unit's and new item's using the Unofficial editer.

Then what i did (i had a back-up of the original game) i installed the game a second time on my computer , it was vanilla version , then i tryed pulling all the trigger's/troops/items/etc/etc out of the M7 Version.

Although the reason im angry is because the code is EXACTLY the same as in the m7 version , m7 version the game run's fine , and in the vanilla version the game crashs. Which is why i can't figure out what the problem is.

Although i do know its something to do with the troop's obviously since the game crashs when they spawn.

[edit] btw click on the image for it to be larger.[edit]
Why? i have only used vanilla item's on the npcs , the only possibility could be that Ancient changed some of the original item's , Did you?

Would also explain why the editer crashs when i load it for the vanilla version W/ my mod.
`no no no...

I used the original item_kinds1.txt , the vanilla one that is , then i went to the M7 version , and went into the files and copyed my item's codes from them and shoved them in the end of the original vanilla versions , and changed the number on top too.

Anyway i ended up creating the whole mod again but it still has virtually identical problem now except it gives me no error , the game just shuts down without warning.

^ that has no relation to M7 mod btw.

{EDIT} NM , its fixed.
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