roborob Knight Nov 9, 2005 #1 ok I got this error get_object failed for : mail_hauberL i never edited the mail haubrek so i dont know why this is happening!
ok I got this error get_object failed for : mail_hauberL i never edited the mail haubrek so i dont know why this is happening!
Narcissus Knight Honour Guard Nov 9, 2005 #2 Hi Roborob, A little more information might make it easier to identify why you are having the problem. What files have you changed? What items in those files? Things of that nature (more detailed) might be a world of help. Good luck, Narcissus
Hi Roborob, A little more information might make it easier to identify why you are having the problem. What files have you changed? What items in those files? Things of that nature (more detailed) might be a world of help. Good luck, Narcissus
roborob Knight Nov 9, 2005 #3 actually i just fixed it, it seems i made a glove that used the mail haubrek model, oops.!
Narcissus Knight Honour Guard Nov 9, 2005 #4 Good to hear that you got it figured out and working again. Narcissus