Open ERROR: Error on creating shaders: Out of video memory!

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Unfortunately, we can't provide any support for issues that occur with modifications for our games. Your best chance of resolving an issue with a mod would be to contact the mod developer directly, or by creating a post explaining the issue on our forums in the relevant section. We are sorry that we can't be of more help to you with this issue and we hope that you find a way to fix the problem.
Unfortunately, we can't provide any support for issues that occur with modifications for our games. Your best chance of resolving an issue with a mod would be to contact the mod developer directly, or by creating a post explaining the issue on our forums in the relevant section. We are sorry that we can't be of more help to you with this issue and we hope that you find a way to fix the problem.
I am the author of this module. What usually causes this problem? I can't reproduce this problem on my machine now

Can you guys provide some tools for debugging games or modules?
We primarily did not develop the WFAS. We only supported the development of the game externally. Unfortunately, the developers of WFAS are no longer actively working on the game.

But, you can access the Debug Mode Window if you launch the game on windowed mode. Through the View tab on the top left.
We primarily did not develop the WFAS. We only supported the development of the game externally. Unfortunately, the developers of WFAS are no longer actively working on the game.

But, you can access the Debug Mode Window if you launch the game on windowed mode. Through the View tab on the top left.
I have checked the debug mode window, it is just a script debug window. The game has been freezed when I selected a script from the script list.

Can you guys update WFaS? You guys must have the source code, so it is not difficult for you guys. Just migrate the warband code into WFaS.
Please! We need WFaS to be updated!

If you guys are not sure whether update WFaS or not, you guys can start a poll to listen the Community's advice.
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