error beep

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Hi, this is prolly not a real bug or anything but I think it's annoying. When on horseback, I sometimes make tight turns by holding down the back key and the direction key at the same time, which works great. But if I decide to change weapons, holding down three buttons at the same time my motherboard emits an error beep. It's not that big of a deal but is something that I can't make myself stop doing.
Oh and if this has been previously posted about and I'm about to incur the wrath of one of the forum nazis .... don't bother, your antics bore me.
Its because modern keyboards are so crap that they wont let you press many keys at the same time, to get rid of the beep just unplug the cord in your motherboard.
Hey thanks, all I needed was a reason to switch back to one of my old ones. Who needs keyboard shortcut buttons anyway.
Considering the strong processing powers that exist today, I'm amazed that no one's thought of allowing for more than 3 keys being pressed at once on a keyboard. I'd safely say that it'd be able to handle all that input at once by now...
Skyrage said:
Considering the strong processing powers that exist today, I'm amazed that no one's thought of allowing for more than 3 keys being pressed at once on a keyboard. I'd safely say that it'd be able to handle all that input at once by now...

Its the keyboards fault, the wiring in the newer keyboards are used in a manner that only a few keys can be pressed, this reduces production costs alot. You know this from comparing a modern keyboard and a keyboard from the 80's, the 80's one weighs alot more and is loads better when it comes to multiple key presses, hell soon we cant even ctrl alt del anymoe :lol:
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