Err, mod tools?

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I dont think anyone knows but armagan has said it wont be GUI based. I was under the impression that the "tools" were just a simplified language for the text files that made them easier to read.

I really dont know but I would expect that more than an actual "tool".
Yeah, he posted a snippet of a troops.txt example months ago that showed the easier-to-read code. I guess thats Python or something like it, beats me.

"Documenting" them could simply mean a detailed list of the new commands and their syntax.

Unless he changed direction... beats me.
How I see it, you will have to text edit your data and then convert it with a set of python scripts to the lot's-of-nasty-numbers-format we have now.

Still it will be very useful for further development of unofficial modding tools, I will certainly consider making a GUI tools in Python as an addon to these scripts... Python is a very cool language by the way.
That makes sense, Im guessing then that I can start modding now and that the mod tools will just be there to make it easier later. I was slightly concerned by the numbered commands still being present as I wondered if they were slated to be replaced with the python-script.

If Hardclyff is right then the mod tools are probably like a shell or compiler to make it easier to code but the output is then translated back into the icky number format for the text files. Im pretty used to the old icky numbers so I could probably get something done now.

Of course, if the numbers are soon to be totally replaced, any modding done now will be useless. The other issue is seeing how different the troop data formats are now. Major troop changes without the editor would be a major pain.
Hmm, but if the mod tools are just python scripts, how about map making? Do you guys think it will be possible to make maps, building, add locations to the world map and etc?
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