Equitable weapon equip and lame horse disposal

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Hi there, fellow warriors. I did read the other suggestions but could not see one that refers to the way one changes weapons while in the battle mode. I mean, why do I have to watch the enemy taking pot shots at me as I approach and then switch to a close combat weapon as I get close to him, while this option is not available to me? It spoils all the fun having to go back to the wooden box to get new weapon, doesn't it ?...and while I'm at it, why can't we get rid of the lame horse straight away and not have to wait and suffer the speed loss for a round, until the swap takes place? I do think I have a point there(or two). So, either all combatants have equal rights, or the hell with in-game democracy... :mad:

PS With the risk of being labelled some way or other, by my esteemed fellow writers, it would be nice to have a little note in the reging section stating what ICQ, AIM and BBCCode mean :wink:
You can change the weapons in battle by pressin [ and shield by pressin ]. You should change them to some other buttons and use search next time. :wink:
Errr you can switch weapons as anybody else in game. Personally I like to carry a lance, a 2handed sword, a war-bow and arrows w/ it. Covers pretty much every aspect of what may happen on the battlefield.

As for horses, I would really love for the spare horses you have in your inventory to 'stand' at the chests, patiently waiting for their turn to be ridden. Maybe even have a 'troop' stantioned there to keep watch on the spare horses, while you n your knights ride out. Players (and NPC's if they grow brains) can then attempt to come back for a fresh horse when they loose their mount.

Come to think of it, would about having a 'double up' for your comrades onto the back of your mount behind you, so you (or AI) can bring their allies back to the 'camp' for a fresh mount? ::\

P.S. What does 'Equitable' mean? I mean Equi-table would sound like some horse-wise chart, while E-quitable, would sound like something to do with quitting.. Ok I'm just playin around with yah, I know you wanted to say 'equipable' ::razz:
Welcome to the forums, Ovidiu Corenea. :smile:

If you have a question/suggestion ... please feel free to use the site's search function. It isn't the best search engine for a forum, but can often help.

I would also like to apologize for Keeper. He gets a tad hyper when he has had too much caffeine.

Volkier, on the other hand, is always like this. :razz:

Hope to see you around,

*blink*blink*...hmmm, well it would seem a little unfair for gameplay if we where able to switch through as many weapons as we wanted...i think the 4 weapon slots we have already are pretty good, but 6 would be more realistic for what we could carry IF they where specific slots, like 2 for swords or lances or hammers or shields, that kinda stuff, 1 for bow or crossbow, 2 for arrows or bolts and 1 for a dagger, many of you might say this is unrealistic...dont mean to sound confrontational, but youd be wrong then,lol, cause ive carried more than that, and they where real weapons, and i had a solid steel shield as well, the weapons where dulled and had no points so they couldnt cut or stab, we where doing a mock battle...had a sword, a shield, a bow on my back with two quivers hanging on each side of my belt like ppl would normaly wear swords and a dagger in my boot, was fun...I need to learn to not ype so much, i jsut realized all of my posts are just so insanely long compared to most other ppls,LOL...oh well...
Gimme brains... mmmmmpfhh.h...... fresh brains....... sack blaad..... diz iz lifez..... ahhhh....
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