ovidiu cornea

Hi there, fellow warriors. I did read the other suggestions but could not see one that refers to the way one changes weapons while in the battle mode. I mean, why do I have to watch the enemy taking pot shots at me as I approach and then switch to a close combat weapon as I get close to him, while this option is not available to me? It spoils all the fun having to go back to the wooden box to get new weapon, doesn't it ?...and while I'm at it, why can't we get rid of the lame horse straight away and not have to wait and suffer the speed loss for a round, until the swap takes place? I do think I have a point there(or two). So, either all combatants have equal rights, or the hell with in-game democracy...
PS With the risk of being labelled some way or other, by my esteemed fellow writers, it would be nice to have a little note in the reging section stating what ICQ, AIM and BBCCode mean
PS With the risk of being labelled some way or other, by my esteemed fellow writers, it would be nice to have a little note in the reging section stating what ICQ, AIM and BBCCode mean