Equip regular troops like companions *tweak*

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If you want them to look the same, then you should give them only one item of each type. The game will still pick the equipment randomly from the item pool, but as there's only one choice for each item type, there will be no variation in equipment and your troops will more or less look the same. Depending on the guaranteed items for that specific troop type, certain items may or may not be used by all and that, of course, will cause a slight variation.
Step 2

only do this if the text DOES NOT MATCH (this will mainly be applicable after a patch or in mods when the module comes out)

dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?  1293  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 1293  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  1294  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 1294  0 Aye_{sir/madam}._Let_me_tell_you_all_there_is_to_know_about_me.  1295  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 1295  0 Anything_else?  1293  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 1293  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER

write down the red numbers on YOUR conversations.txt, then copy and paste the lines below between line 1 and 2 of the above txt

dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_trade 69631 1293  0 Let_me_see_your_equipment.  2000  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_trade:regular_member_talk 4095 2000  0 Very_well,_it's_all_here...  1295  1 2051 0 NO_VOICEOVER

now change the orange text to what you wrote down earlier

This is Brytenwalda 1.351 and when I tried the above code there was a inventory option when talking to the troops but when i clicked it it did not take me to thier inventory screen.  I know the above works on other mods but Brytenwalda is so moded up that i cant get it to work.  Anyone want to help me solve this please

dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?  739  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 739  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  2122  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 2122  0 Aye_{sir/madam}._Let_me_tell_you_all_there_is_to_know_about_me.  2123  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 2123  0 Anything_else?  739  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:member_check_leadership 69631 739  3 31 2 144115188075855987 360287970189639717 2171 2 1224979098644774912 144115188075855987 30 2 1224979098644774912 10 I_wanted_to_give_you_the_privilege_of_leading_your_own_party.  2124  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_member_check_leadership:close_window 4095 2124  11 1 1 936748722493063755 2133 2 1224979098644774912 72057594037927936 2170 3 1224979098644774913 1 360287970189639680 6 3 1224979098644774914 648518346341351447 648518346341351564 541 3 1224979098644774914 7 360287970189639680 2105 2 1224979098644774913 1 3 0 424 1 1224979098644774915 2121 3 1224979098644774915 3 1224979098644774915 2108 2 1224979098644774913 1224979098644774915 32 2 1224979098644774913 1224979098644774912 Very_well._I_hope_you_provide_some_troops_to_{s1}_before_sending_us_off_though.  6  29 1210 1 144115188075855987 1100 2 648518346341351424 576460752303423521 2133 2 144115188075856273 72057594037927936 1612 2 144115188075856273 144115188075855987 1640 2 144115188075856273 0 501 3 144115188075856273 0 9 1620 2 144115188075856273 432345564227567656 2121 3 1224979098644774912 144115188075856287 432345564227567656 2105 2 1224979098644774912 216172782113787841 47 1 144115188075855987 2320 2 1 1224979098644774912 1669 2 144115188075856273 1 47 1 360287970189639680 500 3 144115188075855987 10 144115188075856273 500 3 144115188075855987 147 20 4 0 520 3 1224979098644774913 360287970189639680 13 4 0 32 2 1224979098644774913 0 2106 2 1224979098644774913 1080863910568919283 5 0 522 3 1224979098644774913 144115188075856287 15 2106 2 1224979098644774913 1441151880758558932 3 0 3 0 2105 2 1224979098644774913 1297036692682702900 1677 2 144115188075856273 1224979098644774913 2205 1 144115188075856273 1300 1 144115188075856273 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_member_check_leadership:member_chat 4095 2124  0 Sir,_I_think_you_still_need_me_by_your_side_until_you_gain_more_experience.  13  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_start:mate_chat_talk 4095 0  2 31 2 144115188075856787 432345564227567656 31 2 144115188075856789 9 Yes,_{sir/madam}?  2125  1 2133 2 144115188075856011 1 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_chat_talk:mate_give_order_ask 69631 2125  0 I_have_a_new_task_for_you.  2126  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order_ask:mate_give_order 4095 2126  0 What_do_you_wish?  2127  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order:mate_follow 69631 2127  0 Follow_me.  2128  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_follow:close_window 4095 2128  0 Of_course.  6  2 1641 2 144115188075856273 648518346341351424 1640 2 144115188075856273 10 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order:mate_stay 69631 2127  0 Stay_here.  2129  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_stay:close_window 4095 2129  0 Fine_by_me._Don't_forget_to_pick_us_up.  6  3 1640 2 144115188075856273 0 1625 2 1 144115188075856273 1642 2 144115188075856273 1 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order:mate_patrol 69631 2127  0 Patrol_this_area.  2130  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_patrol:close_window 4095 2130  0 Will_do.  6  3 1640 2 144115188075856273 2 1625 2 1 144115188075856273 1642 2 144115188075856273 1 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order:mate_give_order_details_ask 69631 2127  0 Go_to...  2131  1 2133 2 144115188075856007 7 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order:mate_give_order_details_ask.1 69631 2127  0 Patrol_around...  2131  1 2133 2 144115188075856007 4 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order:mate_chat_pre_talk 69631 2127  0 Forget_it.  2132  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order_details_ask:mate_give_order_details 4095 2131  0 Where_do_you_want_me?  2133  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order_details:mate_give_order_details_done 77823 2133  5 50 1 1224979098644774912 33 3 1224979098644774912 648518346341351447 648518346341351776 1073741855 2 144115188075856007 4 2147484189 3 1224979098644774912 0 4 2330 2 1 1224979098644774912 {s1}  2134  1 50 1 144115188075856068 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_order_details_done:close_window 4095 2134  0 Okay  6  12 4 0 31 2 144115188075856007 7 1640 2 144115188075856273 6 1625 2 1 144115188075856068 1628 3 1 1 1 1642 2 144115188075856273 1 5 0 31 2 144115188075856007 4 1640 2 144115188075856273 3 1641 2 144115188075856273 144115188075856068 1643 2 144115188075856007 1 3 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_chat_talk:mate_give_troops 69631 2125  0 I_want_to_give_you_some_troops.  2135  2 1 2 936748722493063200 144115188075855987 1106 1 1585267068834416779 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_troops:mate_give_troops_end 4095 2135  0 Yes...  2136  1 2056 1 144115188075856273 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_give_troops_end:close_window 4095 2136  0 That_was_most_considerate_of_you.  6  1 1 3 936748722493063756 144115188075856273 1 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_chat_pre_talk:mate_chat_talk 4095 2132  0 Anything_else?  2125  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_chat_talk:mate_chat_rejoin 69631 2125  1 31 2 144115188075855987 360287970189639717 I_want_to_you_to_join_me_again.  2137  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_chat_rejoin:close_window 4095 2137  1 103 0 Very_Well.  6  3 1201 0 500 3 144115188075855987 10 -1 500 3 144115188075855987 147 -1 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_chat_rejoin:mate_chat_talk 4095 2137  1 2147483751 0 There_isn't_enough_room_for_us_all!  2125  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_mate_chat_talk:close_window 69631 2125  0 Nevermind._Keep_calm_and_Carry_on.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 739  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER

Thanks Lord Kinlar and stevohall.

I'm using Diplomacy+allow fief trade+PBOD for 1.143, I can find the scripts for this in conversation.txt.
However I can't figure out a way to make it work.

I've tried replacing the whole segment from "dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?" to "Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER" to the Native one.
Also tried only tweaking the numbers in the diplomacy's conversation.txt.

Both don't work. It always crashes when loading the game.

How can I make it possible to work for diplomacy? Thank you very much.

btw, the one in my conversation.txt is like this
dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  1 1 1 936748722493063790 Your_orders_{s0}?  1638  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 1638  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  1639  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 1639  1 1 1 936748722493063790 Aye_{s0}._Let_me_tell_you_all_there_is_to_know_about_me.  1640  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 1640  0 Anything_else?  1638  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:dplmc_view_regular_inventory 69631 1638  0 Let_me_see_your_equipment.  1641  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_dplmc_view_regular_inventory:dplmc_do_view_regular_inventory 4095 1641  1 1 1 936748722493063790 Very_well_{s0},_here_is_what_I_am_using...  1642  10 1 3 936748722493063783 144115188075856169 360287970189640509 1 3 936748722493063783 144115188075855987 360287970189640510 6 3 1224979098644774912 0 10 1541 3 1224979098644774913 360287970189640510 1224979098644774912 32 2 1224979098644774913 -1 1542 3 1224979098644774914 360287970189640510 1224979098644774912 1530 3 360287970189640510 1224979098644774913 1224979098644774914 1543 3 360287970189640510 1224979098644774912 -1 3 0 2041 1 360287970189640510 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_dplmc_do_view_regular_inventory:dplmc_do_view_regular_inventory_2 4095 1642  1 1 1 936748722493063790 Is_that_satisfactory,_{s0}?  1643  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_dplmc_do_view_regular_inventory_2:do_regular_member_view_char 69631 1643  1 1 3 936748722493063783 360287970189640509 144115188075856169 Indeed.  1640  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 1638  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER
I've also been looking for this feature, and I'm wondering something.
In python I looked up the companion code that allows you to see and change his armor.
I've copied it and changed it a little and added it to the general troop menu.
Code in spoiler.

  [anyone,"member_chat", [], "Your orders {sir/madam}?", "regular_member_talk",[]],
  [anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [], "Tell me about yourself", "view_regular_char_requested",[]],
  [anyone,"view_regular_char_requested", [], "Aye {sir/madam}. Let me tell you all there is to know about me.", "do_regular_member_view_char",[[change_screen_view_character]]],
  [anyone,"do_regular_member_view_char", [], "Anything else?", "regular_member_talk",[]],
  [anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [], "Let me see your equipment.", "review_regular_member_equipment",[]],
  [anyone,"review_regular_member_equipment", [], "Very well, it's all here...", "do_regular_member_view_char",[(change_screen_equip_other)]],
  [anyone,"do_regular_member_view_char", [], "Anything else?", "regular_member_talk",[]],
  [anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [], "Nothing. Keep moving.", "close_window",[]],
It worked ingame, I could ask him to show me his inventory and change items around.
As explained earlier the troop settings will unfortunalty cause removal of some items out of his inventory.
I've tested it and it applies with my method to.
I hope ppl can help me with some of my following questions, as I'm new to modding.

[list type=decimal]
[*]Will this change screw up the dialog order? wich could cause dialogs to be out of place. By adding this extra option to the general troop menu? yes or no?
[*]If I make an extra troop and add it to a troop tree and set this troop with no items, will it always keep and use the items I give him ingame?
In the meanwhile I will test my theory and check for any replies.
I came pretty far, added a new troop called Vaegir Elite who has no items and a set skill range.
I add an extra dialog option to go to its inventory only for this particular troop.
The only issue I got now is that other lords will upgrade their troops to elite aswell.
I gave mine different gear, whenever I joined a fight where another lord had one the game crashed.
I'm guessing cause his Vaegir elite gear isent affected by my change and those 2 coming together does no compute. XD
Is there a way that I can setup that other parties do not upgrade to Vaegir Elite but the player still is able to upgrade to Elite?
I know I can make them as mercenary but thats not what I want.
I used the green text, but because it has no "NO VOICEOVER" it seems to be causing a crash. Anyone know where they go? On either the new or old text

Update: Added the "NO VOICEOVER" but now the AI conversations are all mismatched
(Sorry, my English is not wery well, I have any kind of experience in this coding things and that what I've made I've made by guessing) Well, if you trying to make this tweak/cheat on other M&B modules, you need to do some tricks with numbers.
Here my example (M&B WFaS Enhenced):

Original code from my conversation.txt:

dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 2186  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  2187  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 2187  0 Aye_{sir/madam}._I_have_no_secrets_from_you.  2188  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 2188  0 Anything_else?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 2186  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER


First I added 2 and 3 lines from green example (in the first post) between 1 and 2 lines of the original and added "NO_VOICEOVER" at the end of both new lines. So I got text like this:

dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_trade 69631 879  0 Let_me_see_your_equipment.  2000  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_trade:regular_member_talk 4095 2000  0 Very_well,_it's_all_here...  881  1 2051 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 2186  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  2187  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 2187  0 Aye_{sir/madam}._I_have_no_secrets_from_you.  2188  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 2188 0 Anything_else?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 2186  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER


Then the numbers. I pointed them by colors. I don't know what they means, but in every dialogue there is some number in that places and in every dialogue they different. So I changed the red number from the new lines to purple from my original and brown number to pink. Like this:

dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_trade 69631 2186  0 Let_me_see_your_equipment.  2000  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_trade:regular_member_talk 4095 2000  0 Very_well,_it's_all_here...  2188  1 2051 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 2186  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  2187  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 2187  0 Aye_{sir/madam}._I_have_no_secrets_from_you.  2188  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 2188 0 Anything_else?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 2186  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER


Then that 2000 number which I pointed as black I've changed it to the biege number from the next line (in my case it was 2187):

dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_trade 69631 2186  0 Let_me_see_your_equipment.  2000  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_trade:regular_member_talk 4095  2000  0 Very_well,_it's_all_here...  2188  1 2051 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 2186  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  2187  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 2187  0 Aye_{sir/madam}._I_have_no_secrets_from_you.  2188  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 2188 0 Anything_else?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 2186  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER


So I got something like this:

dlga_member_chat:regular_member_talk 4095 13  0 Your_orders_{sir/madam}?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_trade 69631 2186  0
  2187  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_trade:regular_member_talk 4095  2187  0 Very_well,_it's_all_here...  2188  1 2051 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:view_regular_char_requested 69631 2186  0 Tell_me_about_yourself  2187  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_view_regular_char_requested:do_regular_member_view_char 4095 2187  0 Aye_{sir/madam}._I_have_no_secrets_from_you.  2188  1 2046 0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_do_regular_member_view_char:regular_member_talk 4095 2188 0 Anything_else?  2186  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_regular_member_talk:close_window 69631 2186  0 Nothing._Keep_moving.  6  0 NO_VOICEOVER

You probably will have a different numbers in your conversation.txt but the principle is the same just change the colored numbers from the added lines to the relevant colored numbers from yours lines.
I hope I've made myself understandable and it will help you.
The tweak is outdated. I remember there being such a feature in a mod called Fury of Odin, but it was a broken one with the troops reverting back to the original equipment all the time. Apparently regular troops could be equipped just like other troops back in the very old versions, but now only heroes can be equipped. For regular soldiers, it's only doable by creating a dummy hero, copying all the equipment to him, and then passing the desired equipment to the soldier.
Why are custom troops so uncommon? I played Floris and the freelancers have limited options. I tried custom troop trees but its basically vanilla so there also are not many options. Im on Europe 1200 right now and tried this tweak and it worked perfectly. I designed a beautiful army but my progress was wiped after I saved and reloaded. I tried it again and saves just do not work. Is there any way to make this tweak save compatible?

Does this change effect the troops.txt file? If it doesnt is that why the changes dont save?
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