
Here's a thought I had just now, and I'd like some feedback on it. It seems that currently, this game just doesn't really make too many allowances for personal taste. In some areas, I accept that this has to be the case. I've gone and decided I had to have the reinforced chain mail instead of plate, and as a horseback fighter, I will suffer a bit for that. However, the same need not be true of weapons. Take the longsword versus the Nordic sword. I've checked, and these are both of similar weight, and presumably of similar metal. Therefore, why should there be any difference in the damage they inflict? Sure, the Nordic sword is slightly shorter, and that's fine. But I propose that all swords should do the same amount of damage, provided they're of the same type. By this, I mean that clearly, a two-handed sword, being heavier, should inflict greater damage. But as long as you're talking about swords of the same one-handed type, I suggest that the only thing affecting the damage they inflict be the condition they're in. That way, I can give my character the sort of Viking on a horse look I want without being unduly penalized for it. And as far as I can tell, it's totally realistic.