English language

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Hello guys,i've got Mount&Blade from my friend (in russian language,i dont like it...)
Can i change somehow it to English? Cuz i dont really enjoy russian language, cant even know what is that troop,speaking (answer's,talks)

Also,can i become a lord?

Sorry for english,i dont speak it 2 ;P

Thanks dudes!

I don't know about the Language settings.

Yes, you can become a lord : ) Just help out the faction you want to serve the best you can (like defending caravans, helping out other Lords, do quests, defend village farmers). This is one of the ways to win the game, join a faction (read nation) and destroy everything else : )
I ask King,some Lords,to follow me to enemy castle,and we besiege it.
Besieged Dhirim now :smile: (Best for me,also hardest  :roll: )
I have in my folder a folder ''languages'' and theres one file ''ru'', but i need eng? mby someone can send it to me?
I'm tired of russian language! :shock:
my msn - [email protected]
Thanks again!
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