Enemy Shields

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In the Arena, its relatively easy to destroy enemy shields... but in the field i've yet to manage it. Are they unbreakable? Or do they just have better equipment than me? :razz:

With a good axe at full gallop you can manage 100+ damage with the shield damage bonus it gets pretty high. It's better to wait for the second they drop them or wait until your pulled back weapon is past the shield.
I've never done destroyed an enemy's shield in battle but then there's too much going on and too many hostiles to concentrate on one fighter long enough to do so.

It seems inefficient to be using arrows on a Sea Bandit's shield with the intent of destroying it when one can wait till he lowers it to attack. And with melee weapons, the same can apply.

heh, I've done it :smile: Repeated Spearing or "about" 8 Javlins will do it, so yeah it's abit pointless. Also with regard to Arrows, charge them, and as they stumble back give him a shot. Works everytime :smile:
Teah you can break them, in the practice tournaments, the shield only has 200 hit mpoints, most enemy shields have 350 or more, and like JohnathanStrange said, you concentating on too many men,

I when i have one enemy left, i tell my men to fall back and go meet him alone, i usually hold the attack button long enought for his dumb bum to block, or i just hold my shield up....

I've done it lots of times with a sniper crossbow. In fact, if someone is running at me with a shield from across the map, I'll keep aiming for their shield until it breaks. Usually takes about three shots.
My sniper troops regularly break my enemies's shields shortly before turning them into pin-cushions.
Manifold said:
I've done it lots of times with a sniper crossbow. In fact, if someone is running at me with a shield from across the map, I'll keep aiming for their shield until it breaks. Usually takes about three shots.
Yeah, when one has the time and bolts, that can be amusing.
the best way to deal with an infantry enemy who has a shield when your on horseback is to ram them, just right after you ram them swing at them with your sword or axe or whatever, if you have a lance just ignore the shields a lance will pound a shield down real fast, but you can still use this trick with couched lance, it is just harder because you have to have your horse turning in a circle into the enemy from right to left and charge them right before your lance lines up with them

when your on foot against a shield just wait for them to stop shielding

against mounted shield enemies just kill the horse and deal with them unmounted =P
Sometimes i amuse myself by starting up a new charachter, i cheat and go up some levels, get his athletics as high as i can, then put all the points into his throwing skill, and get 4 large bag of stones and see if i can take out some shileds, ive yet to accomplish it........

Usually i run out of rocks so i run back and retreat, then come back in with a full thing of rocks, hehe he usually has a name like "Peg" or "Tosser" or "Flinger". :grin:
I've only managed to take out an enemy's shield once and this was at full charge with a heavy great axe, 3 swings that he blocked with it and I hard a large crunch and was like "Wtf I've never heard that noise before" so as I pivoted around I noticed his shield was lying on the ground next to him. You can do it but rarely do enemies live long enough in my fights for their shield to be broken.
I've broken their shields many times in the field. All it takes is two to three blows from a war axe. In contrast, I've hacked away at one shield with a sword of war who knows how many times before the damn thing falls apart.

Bonus vs. shields really matters. Gosh.
My current character (berserker with heavy double axe) breaks a lot of enemy shields. And sometimes the animation is impressive, such as when killing a dark knight on foot on top of a cliff with the same blow that shatters the shield, you can see the steel shield rolling down the cliff before stopping at the bottom in a nice curve.

It may have happened other times, but usually I am too busy blocking and hacking to see where the shattered shield goes.

When you have a War Bow with Bodkin Arrows, and 20 Vaegir Marksmen - ALL FIRING ARROWS AT THE LAST REMAINING ENEMY ON THE BATTLEFIELD - it doesn't take long for that poor fellow's shield to shatter into little tiny pieces, and leave him completely open to said arrows :lol:
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