Enemy regard for friendly fire...

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Grandmaster Knight
...doesnt exist. They'd happily fire at me (and in some cases notably misses) even when I'm around, or in some cases on the other side of, a bunch of their comrades. Odd when they dont hit me, frustrating when they do.

Have a missed a beat in thinking that friendly fire should be a concern for them? Or is this just how they roll?

EDIT: Also, in one case when a wall of enemy was between me and their archers, there was no way the arrows could get through to me, yet they fired away, seemingly inflicting no damage on their comrades.
In my experience missile troops never fire if there is a risk of hitting an ally. I can't recall I have ever been hit by friendly fire ever in singleplayer, and I played this game a LOT.

EDIT: Horses are always considered neutral though, so they don't care about hitting the horses of allied cavalry.

EDIT: Never noticed it on the enemy's side either.
Captain_Octavius said:
In my experience missile troops never fire if there is a risk of hitting an ally. I can't recall I have ever been hit by friendly fire ever in singleplayer, and I played this game a LOT.
That's older version. New version: ally range seem to be able to shoot through ally. It's horrible when your are surrounded by a dozen of Rhodok Sergeants and still being shot at by another dozen of Sharpshooters who do not have clear line of fire.
Hmm... I swear the last time I played a siege I read the message "Khergit Veteran Horse Archer killed by Khergit Veteran Horse Archer". And my army was all Swadian Sharpshooters.
Argeus the Paladin said:
Hmm... I swear the last time I played a siege I read the message "Khergit Veteran Horse Archer killed by Khergit Veteran Horse Archer". And my army was all Swadian Sharpshooters.
Mb he fell from wall?
Argeus the Paladin said:
Hmm... I swear the last time I played a siege I read the message "Khergit Veteran Horse Archer killed by Khergit Veteran Horse Archer". And my army was all Swadian Sharpshooters.

I sometimes see the message "unit X has fallen unconcious".  Weird **** happens.  I suspect that this message was the result of some guy getting run over by a rider-less horse.

As to your message, I agree with Vasya- he probably fell off a ladder or something.  Other than the player, no other unit's ranged shots can hit an ally.  It works both ways, though: It's funny trotting my horse in front of my line of 50 bowmen as they release volley after volley that magically fails to hit me.
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