Enemy lord joined my faction & invaders are hiding

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Knight at Arms
Something new happened to me that has never happened before in Native (or other mods I played) but I am fairly certain this is a Native feature.  After I won a large battle, at the end when the prisoner screen comes up, I took one lord prisoner, another few escaped, and then this one lord comes to me and asks me to join my faction. 

He says something along the lines of he has been riding for days to speak with me.  There is some dialog about knighting this individual and a few confusing sentences due to the fact I am the king and in Native, you always serve the king.  So he basically asks me to ask myself, or something along those lines. 

At this point, the game is almost over and I have conquered almost the entire map and destroyed the invaders.  Well almost all of them, I can’t seem to find one even with the true sight cheat and it is really aggravating I never get the Imperial faction no longer exists screen.  I used true sight to check in all enemy castles as well.  That is a different issue than the main topic but is it possible to completely eliminate the invaders?  They have no castles and I cannot find any farmers, caravans, or lords anywhere on the map. 

Anyhow, I already maxed out on lords and almost all of my lords have at least 2 castles so I decided why not and I accepted his request (he had an 80+ relation with me already due to releasing prisoners and I guess high honor).  A few moments later I got the good news, Lord X joins the faction of Segunzda (the name of my faction). 

What is funny is that the mod does not seem to recognize the fact he has joined my faction.  I go to the Chancellor and I cannot give him any fiefs.  When I go to the Quest menu he shows up as part of my faction and wears the faction color on the map, knows instantly where all the lords are in my faction when I speak with him, etc., but it is impossible to give him a fief. 

It is a cool feature, but perhaps if it is not meant to be a part of this mod.  Should it be removed?  Should it be possible to treat him like any other lord?

I've been playing this game for awhile now and this is the first time this has ever happened to me so I am assumming that it is not a common occurance and perhaps not even known to the modders.

That is a feature that I added.  It is unfortunate that you seem to be experiencing some glitches with it.  I had tested it to the point where I forced it to occur (its a low probability occurrence), and could verify that I could give him a fief, and that he did appear to be fully part of my kingdom.

There was however lots of problems with that feature / code in earlier versions of the mod.  But as I said, I was able to force it to occur and saw that it worked properly in 4.1 final (didn't need either of the patches for this feature to work properly).

Maybe I'll have to retest it.  Ensure it didn't break again.  ... Hmm... and it makes me think you don't have the latest because I spent a good deal of time messing with the conversation you have with the Lord who offers his services, and cleaned it up.  It used be quite confusing, but is now very solid and understandable.  So again, it sounds like you're referring to a version of 4.1 earlier than "final".

And most certainly there is nothing about that even that is Native.  In native, you are never considered as a possible liege once a Lord needs a new one. :cool:
Yet another cool feature in this mod.  I am playing 4.0.  I started it and did not want to lose my game with an upgrade (already invested a lot of time).  I'm waiting on V5 before starting again. 

Any idea where the last of the invaders are?  I'm one city from conquoring the world but the imperials are no where to be found (even with true sight cheat). 

I have a question about this feature in V5.  From what I understand, lords will be limited based on the laws you select.  If you are limited to 10 lords and one askes to join, I am assumming you can go over the limit.  However, if you change the laws and you can then get 20 lords, will this new guy count as one (reducing your total number of dukes available)? 
I just verified the version I am playing and it is definately V4.1 and I definately cannot give fiefs to new lord. 

In addition, on the strategic map, I cannot give a command to the last lord on list (like it hit a maximum) due to the lord that defected to my faction. 

In case anyone was wondering about legion question I figured it out.  I just beat the mod defeating every single lord and faction and got the all factions eliminated screen.  It still shows I am at war with the legion even though they do not exsit.  Apparently, they cannot be beaten even if you destoy everyone of them.  Not sure if this is a bug or a feature...
The strategic map probably has a maximum # of slots for lords - and was likely set to 20.  However, the dialogs don't have that limitation, and should work for any number of lords.

At some point I'll retest this scenario.  Thanks. :cool:
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