Enemies Spawning in a Unique Manner(7.11)

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I searched through the bug reports to see if this has been mentioned and after a brief search, found no mention of it. I have noticed that when enemies spawn at the edge of the battlefield, they willl often span a few meters above the hill on the edge and crash land into the battlefield. On those battlefields with larger hills on the edges this sometimes leads to instantly crippled horses or instantly unconscious opponents. While funny to see in action and a lifesaver when you are alone, on foot. and have low health, but in those instances I would prefer that I be defeated. It does impact gameplay quite a lot when it happens. I have not yet noticed whether your allied troops also spawn a few meters too high, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
It has happend to me too. I started in the loose air, fell down a long cliff, dead horse and my Character unconcius
this happens to me a lot if i use cavalry and fight right up at the enemy spawn. probably the only good fix is to flatten out the world map a bit to get less annoying hills
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