It doesn't seem like there is much end-game at the moment. So, What I am going to do is cheat, and see if there is eventually something that resembles native (Well, you know what I mean)
So, today I will do the add peasant cheat alot, and then much, much more wait quickly. Lets see what happens.
Start: Added populations to about 250. To my surprise it seemed like about 150 of these ended up becoming garrisoned as soon as I waited a bit. Wait till next year. Having it pause every 30 days means I have to sit in front of the computer alot of the time, which is OK, but boring. I wish there was some way to stop it pausing every month.
1257: Well, First years up, around August I got a message saying the Kingdom of Nords has declared war on the kingdom of swadia. The Nords arose at charfield. No more bandits I guess. Queen Rawer of the Nords is running around with a party of 301, while Queen Esmirelda is running around with 302. Mostly peasants. Guess thats a side effect of me adding all those peasants in earlier. Theres a few peasant caravans running around. It appears that Leiges to recruit lords (I didn't think that was in yet), Lord Einer of Swadia is chasing down a nord caravan. He has 100 troops.
Theres quite a few giant mercenary bands. I can see two 300-400 troop mercenary groups, and Wirt of Gonace is doing well. 1131 troops.
Most villages are now Manor Villages, although some (Like Dantsic) are Towns (No mili upgrade) and Ashfurt is doing really well, a Manor Town, as is Braemar. Im not entirely sure why Ashfurt is doing that well, their location isn't anything special. Either luck, or one of their heros might be unusually good.
Looks like Ashfurt or Braemar will be the next factions. Although I think Ashfurt will be, they have almost double the non-garrison popultion. I guess we will see how next year goes.
1258: This year started with more declarations of war than world war two. Thankfully they decided the men needed a break before Christmas, although Swadia went back to war with the nords on January the 1st, They must be powermad. Now we have all the factions on the map. The Khergits where the first to come this year, having both Ashfurt and Braemar. Ahsfurt is catching up to Custow pretty fast, 752 working population to custows 1052. Nords are having trouble, only having 3 towns, averaging about 270 working population each.
As it turns out they don't recruit actual lords, at least, not according to the quests page. But I can see at least 6 Swadian lords on the map. So I guess its just that info pages are broken. Theres an absolute hive of activity on the map. Even with truesight off waiting quickly isn't as fast as it was.
No towns have been taken/lost in sieges yet.
The Swadians are definitely dominant, Most towns, and most of their towns average about 300-400 population. Next in line would be the Khergits, although only having 5 towns they average closer to 500.
After the Khergits it would be the Vaegirs. They have 4 towns sitting on about 360 each, and as far as I can tell have repeatedly raped the closest Rhodok town, which only has 27 population. Not bad considering they were the last to appear.
Its a toss up between the Nords and the Rhodoks for last. Nords have 3 towns, Rhodoks 4, although the Rhodoks don't have much in their 4th, and the nords have a higher average population. Combined with the problem the Rhodoks face of the Vaegirs, I will rank the Nords one notch higher.
That puts the ranks at:
Even after only two years the game is starting to look interesting on the metagaming level.
My theory for why the rankings have turned out that way is that it probably has a bit to do with map speed. That means trading/patrolling and whatever they are trying to do is done faster. The Swadians are starting to get knights in their ranks, so they have a higher speed than the others (Apart from Khergits), and the occasional Vaegir has horsemen. Khergits are all horsemen and their map speed shows it. 6.7 compared to a nord 5.
If this continues to play as big a part as it appears it does at the moment, I predict the Khergits drawing equal to, or surpassing Swadia as the dominant faction. Swadia will continue as second, and Vaegirs will move ahead of the Nords and Rhodoks. I believe the Nords will continue to gain on the Rhodoks.
I can only find two groups of mercenarys, 4 and 16 in number, I can't seem to find Wirt at all. Maybe he was defeated? I found what must be some of the unluckiest bandits around (The only ones on the map at the moment), being fought by Lord Bashetur, with 111 men, and 16, thats right, 16 Swadian patrols. Thats 431 men vs 4 bandits.
As an interesting note, Vaegirs are the only ones to inhabit their native territory, and swadia "sort of" does.
1259: Wirt has resurfaced. 1800 men. Positions have changed slightly. Swadia still rules, followed still, VERY closely by the Khergits. Khergit cities average about 900 population, while Swadias about 500, However swadia has 10 cities to Khergits 5.
Rhodoks have overtaken both Nords and Vaegirs, Vaegirs are ahead of nords. Some villages have become powers in their own right, like Ettelston, which has been fighting its own war against the Rhodoks. Unfortunately no Custom Faction arose. Not much has really changed since last year. Powers aren't obtaining new settlements and the war/siege mechanism isn't fully implemented. Still, somewhat interesting.
Now I guess I am going to interfere by playing.
So, today I will do the add peasant cheat alot, and then much, much more wait quickly. Lets see what happens.
Start: Added populations to about 250. To my surprise it seemed like about 150 of these ended up becoming garrisoned as soon as I waited a bit. Wait till next year. Having it pause every 30 days means I have to sit in front of the computer alot of the time, which is OK, but boring. I wish there was some way to stop it pausing every month.
1257: Well, First years up, around August I got a message saying the Kingdom of Nords has declared war on the kingdom of swadia. The Nords arose at charfield. No more bandits I guess. Queen Rawer of the Nords is running around with a party of 301, while Queen Esmirelda is running around with 302. Mostly peasants. Guess thats a side effect of me adding all those peasants in earlier. Theres a few peasant caravans running around. It appears that Leiges to recruit lords (I didn't think that was in yet), Lord Einer of Swadia is chasing down a nord caravan. He has 100 troops.
Theres quite a few giant mercenary bands. I can see two 300-400 troop mercenary groups, and Wirt of Gonace is doing well. 1131 troops.
Most villages are now Manor Villages, although some (Like Dantsic) are Towns (No mili upgrade) and Ashfurt is doing really well, a Manor Town, as is Braemar. Im not entirely sure why Ashfurt is doing that well, their location isn't anything special. Either luck, or one of their heros might be unusually good.
Looks like Ashfurt or Braemar will be the next factions. Although I think Ashfurt will be, they have almost double the non-garrison popultion. I guess we will see how next year goes.
1258: This year started with more declarations of war than world war two. Thankfully they decided the men needed a break before Christmas, although Swadia went back to war with the nords on January the 1st, They must be powermad. Now we have all the factions on the map. The Khergits where the first to come this year, having both Ashfurt and Braemar. Ahsfurt is catching up to Custow pretty fast, 752 working population to custows 1052. Nords are having trouble, only having 3 towns, averaging about 270 working population each.
As it turns out they don't recruit actual lords, at least, not according to the quests page. But I can see at least 6 Swadian lords on the map. So I guess its just that info pages are broken. Theres an absolute hive of activity on the map. Even with truesight off waiting quickly isn't as fast as it was.
No towns have been taken/lost in sieges yet.
The Swadians are definitely dominant, Most towns, and most of their towns average about 300-400 population. Next in line would be the Khergits, although only having 5 towns they average closer to 500.
After the Khergits it would be the Vaegirs. They have 4 towns sitting on about 360 each, and as far as I can tell have repeatedly raped the closest Rhodok town, which only has 27 population. Not bad considering they were the last to appear.
Its a toss up between the Nords and the Rhodoks for last. Nords have 3 towns, Rhodoks 4, although the Rhodoks don't have much in their 4th, and the nords have a higher average population. Combined with the problem the Rhodoks face of the Vaegirs, I will rank the Nords one notch higher.
That puts the ranks at:
Even after only two years the game is starting to look interesting on the metagaming level.
My theory for why the rankings have turned out that way is that it probably has a bit to do with map speed. That means trading/patrolling and whatever they are trying to do is done faster. The Swadians are starting to get knights in their ranks, so they have a higher speed than the others (Apart from Khergits), and the occasional Vaegir has horsemen. Khergits are all horsemen and their map speed shows it. 6.7 compared to a nord 5.
If this continues to play as big a part as it appears it does at the moment, I predict the Khergits drawing equal to, or surpassing Swadia as the dominant faction. Swadia will continue as second, and Vaegirs will move ahead of the Nords and Rhodoks. I believe the Nords will continue to gain on the Rhodoks.
I can only find two groups of mercenarys, 4 and 16 in number, I can't seem to find Wirt at all. Maybe he was defeated? I found what must be some of the unluckiest bandits around (The only ones on the map at the moment), being fought by Lord Bashetur, with 111 men, and 16, thats right, 16 Swadian patrols. Thats 431 men vs 4 bandits.
As an interesting note, Vaegirs are the only ones to inhabit their native territory, and swadia "sort of" does.
1259: Wirt has resurfaced. 1800 men. Positions have changed slightly. Swadia still rules, followed still, VERY closely by the Khergits. Khergit cities average about 900 population, while Swadias about 500, However swadia has 10 cities to Khergits 5.
Rhodoks have overtaken both Nords and Vaegirs, Vaegirs are ahead of nords. Some villages have become powers in their own right, like Ettelston, which has been fighting its own war against the Rhodoks. Unfortunately no Custom Faction arose. Not much has really changed since last year. Powers aren't obtaining new settlements and the war/siege mechanism isn't fully implemented. Still, somewhat interesting.
Now I guess I am going to interfere by playing.