End game questions

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1. Does the dialog where you ask your prisoners to join actually works?
So far I only got the answer that they would rather die then join me.

2. Any other way to speed up recuiting lords?
I could take an enemy town every few days with my crack army now but really lack the lords to do so.

Yes, I know that I could disable tpwn rebellions and just keep themy for myself but I don´t really want to take that shortcut
Hansundfranz said:
1. Does the dialog where you ask your prisoners to join actually works?
So far I only got the answer that they would rather die then join me.

2. Any other way to speed up recuiting lords?
I could take an enemy town every few days with my crack army now but really lack the lords to do so.

Yes, I know that I could disable tpwn rebellions and just keep themy for myself but I don´t really want to take that shortcut

1 - never got to work with me

2 - I hope someday they put recruitment of lords with your council NPC's... running around like a messager boying while you are a king is really, REALLY silly.
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