Encyclopedia button

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Hello ! Would it be possible to add a real "Encyclopedia" button on the UI, why not near the "Character" or "Inventory" ones (and why not with a book icon) ?

Encyclopedia is a fundamental feature, and it still has no button (only a simple "N" key...).

Thank you Taleworlds, keep us informed ! :smile:
Simple implementation I would assume; maybe they can add a shortcut in castles too (by pre-existing scenes with books in it) for some added RP to 'read' up.
Unrelated to the hotkey icon topic, I would like to have scenes in which you could find books with encyclopedia entries that relate to the environment, say a castle has it's description which you can find while reading off a book (in the castle), a tailor can have an entry that is accessed through a book on a table somewhere in the workshop etc.
It's really just immersion feature.
But yes, encyclopedia icons, yes, please.
@TaleWorlds do you have any new about this ? Like many players, I think an Encyclopedia button (with a book icon) would be nice (as some people doesn't use hotkeys or simply can't remember all hotkeys). :smile:
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Not a bad idea because a lot of new players aren't going to know about the hot key but they can see a icon on the UI.
As a new player, the only way I could ever figure out how to open the encyclopedia was by right clicking on someone's face in my party screen... I did not know about the hot key until looking at this thread...
As a new player, the only way I could ever figure out how to open the encyclopedia was by right clicking on someone's face in my party screen... I did not know about the hot key until looking at this thread...
Peace to you stranger !
On Ps4/Ps5 this is easy, just Press the touchpad for the Encyclopedia. And for the battlelog, Touchpad + Circle Button. Grtz Vaan.
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