Enchanted Weapons

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In Pop 1.21 some of the weapons can be found by looking for the hidden chests in Valonbray and Rane.

Some are found on the Noldor.  Some can very rarely be found in Shops.

In 2.0.. the chests will not work like that..  :twisted:

There are four tiers of weapons. 

Normal - pretty much all iron based weapons.

Exceptional - found on high end troops and often in the marketplace.

Elite - Used by Noldor, specialty Heroes and some very elite troops.  Very very rarely found in shops.

Legendary - only found via the quests and sometimes used by Signature Heroes.. they may, on an off chance, drop one but I would not count on it.  There are five base weapons, a Bow, an Axe, a Two handed Sword, A one handed Sword and a Glaive.  They can be "Upgraded" to one of three directions.. A Wind Weapon represented by a sapphire, which is very very fast;  a Blood Weapon represented by a ruby, which seeks blood and does much more damage, and a Soul Weapon represented by an Emerald that is slightly faster and does just a bit more damage.
saxondragon said:
In Pop 1.21 some of the weapons can be found by looking for the hidden chests in Valonbray and Rane.

There. If you're asking for where they are within the scene, don't be lazy and just search for them.
Also, as I test the beta, I'd like to throw this out there...

Club with spike. Most under-rated weapon ever yes/no?
kekn06ab said:
Wow, SD, sound pretty much like Diablo... I love it! Got any demon gods to slay as well?  :mrgreen:

That's funny in a weird juxtaposition sort of way.  :smile:  I was working from Blap sheets yielding compounded names of items, with corresponding abilities about 15 years before the release of Diablo.  I even had two games published using this method over 10 years prior to the release of Diablo. 

Sure.. it's sort of like Diablo.  :???: 



EDIT: It's all good.. this came across a little more terse than I had intended.  You unintentionally and with good intention, tripped over one of my few pet peeves regarding game design and market awareness.  The system for the weapons is very simple and straightforward, nothing like it could be with more thought, coding and time.  ~S
hello all i wanted to ask how do i find enchanted weapons,armors etc. i have been killing noldor parties,snake parties,red something:S,renegade knights i killed those parties alot and i cant find enchanted stuff in item pools where do i find it just tell me  where should i look or what should i do :smile:

please :smile: :grin:
Looting skill man --> Improves quality of loot greatly!

Merchandise. Rarely you can purchase those things at the merchants.

The rest of the answer to your question is posted above, if you care to read.

I usually fear the club with spike wielding bandits. Bad memories and the spike is ugly if shoven into one´s face. I wouldn´t say most underrated one, but close to.
noosers said:
Looting skill man --> Improves quality of loot greatly!

Merchandise. Rarely you can purchase those things at the merchants.

The rest of the answer to your question is posted above, if you care to read.

I usually fear the club with spike wielding bandits. Bad memories and the spike is ugly if shoven into one´s face. I wouldn´t say most underrated one, but close to.

Club w/ spike is the Falchion of PoP. An unassuming weapon that will mess you up if you get careless.
hmm so i should increase all heroes looting skill then i hope i will find it :grin: i killed snake party and it was a long war they had like 750 warriors and i had only 259 :sad: but i won :grin::grin: quality man:grin:
You haven´t got a clue how skills work?

Use the search function and see how the skill system works. You need only to get one NPC´s (best, yours) looting skill up to 6+.
Lame cheater.

Troop size and troop quality does matter as well.
If you cheat anyways, get a score of top troops, teleport towards a nice target, save and AUTOCALC the battle.
Check the loot, if you like it keep it, if not, load and redo.
dude im not a cheater i have been playing this game for idk it has been a long time i remember playing it for 15 hours how dare u call me cheater :smile:

so what should i do is find noldor parties beat them look at their item pool if its there i take it hmm ok but so far i only found enchant shield is it special?
dogukand said:
i made my looting skill 10 but still :/

That implies cheating. Yes, I consider character importing, exporting and tweaking as cheating as per se.

Did you read page one, you didnt, did you?
If not, please do so. Especially Saxondragon´s post there.

What you´re refering to as "enchanted" are Noldor Weapons. They have a way better stats than anything else. The only thing that tops that are the tools of destruction you get from the Hidden Mine.
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