So I joined the Empire early in the game when they still had all their towns and castles. Then the D'Shar started invading our lands from the west and the Sarleons from the north leading to the Empire having only Cez left and me without a single fief, but only 20+/50+ relations with the lords. What's more is that the Snake Cult keeps us pinned down at our Capital keeping our lords' party size at the 30s. The D'Shar now have 6 towns, and the rest of Pendor is about the same as they were in the beginning. What should I do taken that I have spent the whole game (20+ hours) improving my relations to the lords, but haven't been as time-efficient as I could've been (and all the orders want me dead for leaving the Shadow Legion xD). Should I join an other faction, capture all the Empire lords as a renegade and watch them get consumed by some other faction or should I just start a new game >.>