In Progress Empire Diplomacy Screen wording

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Yes, I used mods.
The "Casualties Inflicted" part of the diplomacy screen is confusing.
After a large battle where we decimated the enemy our casualties inflicted went up only a small number but the enemies went up a lot. Would suggest this is actually "Casualties Received" not inflicted, either that or the numbers are been applied the wrong way around.
(We've been winning almost all battles during this particular war with limited casualties)

Playing modded but suspected this was happening during an unmodded game as well.

Diplomacy Screen on Google Drive

I'm noticing lots of little things where the pronouns are incorrect (She instead of He) or the wording doesn't quite make sense, but are just minor issues. Is it worth making a list of these or is it something that is due to be looked at later after bigger issues are corrected?
Hello, we are aware of most of the typos and lack of localization and working on fixing them. Thank you for reporting it in.
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