Emperor of Calradia

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Grandmaster Knight
Chapter one: The Trophy Buck

Armagan Owner silently crept through the woods, such an expert at stalking was he that not a sound could be heard. As  he approached a clearing he spotted his prey, he fit an arrow onto his bowsting, drew it back, and in one smooth motion fired, piercing the heart of his prey. It managed to run another foot or two before dropping to the ground dead, He had it yes! Father would be so pleased, he had just taken down the largest buck he'd ever seen in his life, it had to weigh twice that of his previous record, and that spread, look at that spread it was gorgeous. For Armagan Owner this was what life consisted of, he woke up before the rising of the sun every day and set off about his daily task. Monday through Friday it consisted of feeding the livestock, collecting the eggs, milking the cows, and checking for signs of foxes disturbing the livestock during the night. On weekends though he was responsible for bringing back some game for the table so that his family would have food to eat for another week. Many people in the small village of Sumbuja in which he inhabited had died from lack of success in obtaining game, but he, his two brothers, and his father never had to worry for he was the best with a bow for miles around, even, some claimed, better than the highly skilled Vaegir Marksman. He pondered the current situation of his life while gutting, and eventually, carting home his trophy. He was , as he had many times before done, considering leaving this life of his behind him and taking up arms in the name of the esteemed  King Yaroglek, but as before he eventually brushed aside the idea as incredibly hardheaded and ludicrous. When his farm came into view he started to rush forwards, but something made him freeze in his tracks, he at the time wondered why he had such an odd impulse to stay hidden, but instead of shrugging it off as foolishness, did as you learn to do when you go on hunts often, followed the impulse and dove behind a bush. It was probably this instinct that saved his life for at the moment he disappeared from sight he saw something that chilled his blood...
Chapter two:grin:eath to the youth
"Find me that boy!!!" bellowed King Yaroglek at the top of his lungs in a monstrous and incredible fit of rage that his subjects all were fearful of for they knew that he was prone to decorating the front lawn of his castle with the heads of those who happened to be in the same area as him during these fits of rage. His eyes were wide his teeth showing, and his face flushed with anger. Not to mention the fire in his eyes that burned so fiercly that it would not be such a surprise to some if his head burst into fire. The bellow let loose by Yaroglek scattered all of the animals in the forests surrounding their camp. It truly was a beutiful day outside, the baby blue sky was lighlt decorated by soft fluffy Cumulus clouds slowly being blown through the sky by the light cool, but warm at the same time breeze. King Yaroglek who was an avid lover of the outdoors scarcely noticed this scene that normally would have held him entranced due to the fact that often he was trapped in the snow ridden part of his Kingdom, since he was in such a rage as he had not been in for so many years. It was that document "The wretched thing, why did one of his scribes have to discover the thing buried in the cellar of the ancient ruined city known as Zendar" he thought "That damned thing, that document that threatened his and every other leader of the various factions of Calradia's claim to power if it were to fall into the wrong hands... In the document it clearly stated that the royal line of Calradia had not been completely eradicated from the face of this planet, for unknown to any but him and the heads of the scribes who were unfortunate enough to discover that ancient document, contained within the document was proof that from the village of Sumbuja was a young boy by the name of Armagan Owner" he suddenly swung around and removed the head of his first Luitenant "this boy was so vital to have dead, for he was the last of the Clradian royal line... his father had already been dealt with, his corpse mangled and strung up on the post for all to see. Very soon the son would be next to his father, for when the boy returned to the farm he would run to the corpse of his father and be shot down by the Vaegir Marksman hiding in the barn watching over the field"
He snickered to himself at these thoughts...this was going to be fun "Take away the body" he called to a servant" He thought to himslef to remember to have the servant beheaded later for being such an insignificant being "move out" he called to his men SNickering to himself the whole way back to Reyvadin
You have some misspellings in your story :razz:. Other wise its a nice story. But why do you call the boy Armagan, its a bit to cheesy.
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