Emoticon Shields

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Is it possible to mod a shield with the emoticons to the left? My shield would be :twisted: .

I've seen ancient Greek Hoplite shields with faces with tongues sticking out, eyes angry that looked similar.
Don't be strange. :roll:

mine would be :oops:

you could make the, easy enough in photoshop, by the way how do you learn to use photoship as have lots of ideas for armours andstuff?
yeah I barely understand a thing of photoshop it seemed so great so I got it, but I don't understand a damn thing of it
There are tutorials for photoshop. Never used em so I can't tell about the quality of those. I think the best way to learn is to try to do something and find out how trying... it might prove difficult tho.
Sameth said:
Don't be strange. :roll:

mine would be :oops:

you could make the, easy enough in photoshop, by the way how do you learn to use photoship as have lots of ideas for armours andstuff?

by the way sameth, is that a monkey? :shock:
Actually photoshoppin' is good for skinning, you can edit the skin of the Mesh, and 3ds is good for editing the mesh
Here are some of mine along with my black armor and charger




No I didn't. Even have the charger in black armor. I do changes like this to a lot of games that allow it.
If any play Day Of Defeat..I have a site with custom shovels to whack people with.
Also I do custom sigs..
That charger looks sweet 173D. Would you consider lending it for the hugemod compilation of great mods? The Black armor looks cool to. I Would love using those two!
Rabid Potatoe said:
i thought 3ds max was for moddeling and it osts £6000

It models and skins very well if you have the right texture, however, to get the textures into the shape you want (like fill out white spaces with similiar color etc) I use photosop. And it must cost 2000$ far as I remember. On the other hand maya's cost is measured in 10000$'s :p
, which is largely used my many animators (ice age was done with maya)
Here is the charger with the black armor. I like it better than the grey.

If you want them, I can zip 'em up and place a link to download them.
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