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Knight at Arms
I got a bit of a problem.

I know that one of the book sellers has the elixir, but I just don't get it. This is what I get when I ask brother randalf:

See my problem?  :mrgreen:
kekn06ab said:
I got a bit of a problem.

I know that one of the book sellers has the elixir, but I just don't get it. This is what I get when I ask brother randalf:

See my problem?  :mrgreen:
Shagrath said:
Yeah you need to...
Find the other book seller, he sells the elixir, Randalf sells the location of the mines

Finneas de Digit to be exact
Yup.  Is bugged.  Those conversational strings are giving us fits. It was actually a DIFFERENT bug in 2.02...  We'll get it whacked here eventually.


Please shrink screenshots to a decent size using a program like Irfanview or similar converting those uge 2.5 mb pictures to something handy like a 100 kb .jpeg, eh? Takes about 10 seconds longer and will save precious bandwith (which is, mine).
noosers said:
Please shrink screenshots to a decent size using a program like Irfanview or similar converting those uge 2.5 mb pictures to something handy like a 100 kb .jpeg, eh? Takes about 10 seconds longer and will save precious bandwith (which is, mine).

... but will take maybe 5 minutes of mine to figure out what you mean and how to do it. Sorry, no can do  :wink:
I can't even take screenshots for some effing reason, but I guess if no one else reported this as a bug it's just my own problem to figure out.
You need a certain finger technique to use the standard M&B key default for taking screens, in certain cases I´ve got to use a biro as well (pressing the x-key).

But there´s always http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,25302.0.html
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