Elevation Effects

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Right now, it seems to me that being higher on a hill actual makes combat more difficult than being lower. For some reason, I can't seem to hit anything, even when I'm looking directly at my target. Not sure if this is a bug, but most realism-based games (Total War series, for example) give a bonus for being on higher terrain than your opponent. Or maybe I'm just doing something wrong.

So, anyway... suggestion- give a damage bonus to people who manage to manuver themselves to the high ground.

The only problem I could see is that then you could exploit the AI... hang out on top of a hill, wait for them to attack. I'm not sure if there's away around this. If not, I guess the idea wouldn't work well. If there is, I think it would add a little strategy to the combat.

And can anyone tell my why I can't seem to hit anything (in melee) when I'm at a higher elevation?
You're taking gravity into account still? Also, for high elevations, targets will appear smaller because they present less area from above.

The bonus is that your much more likely to get a head shot, as the head takes up more of the area.

Enemies have chased me up all the hills I've tried.
Heh - since they only use straight-line navigation, the easiest way to slow them down is to get them on the same side of a river as you are, then ride away, and cut across the river. They'll jump straight into the water to follow you, and if you're far enough away or there's a good curve in the river, they'll keep wading while you're pelting them with arrows.

Oh, melee, right. I'd say it's because most swings are angled upwards (towards the shoulders/head) whereas on a mountain you need to swing much lower, and they get free shots at your legs.
I've also found that I can't seem to hit people with arrows from height. Pointing downwards, right at them and I can't see the arrow. The melee I can understand and when riding the horse passed I always take the low road and swing up but arrows I thought I'd be able to shoot down with but seemingly can't.
Ive had no problems with the hills, infact thats my number one strategy. I tell my troops to follow me up the closest hill and tell them to hold. Then i run out and procede to slaughter the enemy. If i get in trouble i run back the the hill and let the troops deal with it. The only time i have problems on hills is when im running the ridge on horseback and the enemy is climbing the hills, being a lot lower then me i miss.
Hah hah. yeah. Level 8 Tactics + 20 Sharpshooters + Marnid w/ Sniper Crossbow (all on a hillside facing the incoming) + a nice fast horse to corrall the walking targets = total slaughterage, no losses.

Works much better with 0.623, too.
i also got no problems with positions on hills!

actually i like em verry much! mounted enemys get much slower, when attacking my companios. and so my companions can hack this guys easily! also mostly no losses, at high elevation positions.

my loss rate is much bigger, when fighting in low terrain.
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