Einherjar {Closed}

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Thanks for composing that farewell-story on the Einherjar-forums Fyrd. I'm proud to have fought with you and can relate to a lot of things you mentioned. We joined up in the very beginning together - good times! I have nearly no contact to the clan anymore, but it's nice to remember the past - without resentment for the present and with confidence for the future.

See you around, Fyrd!
DavidMF said:
Blead D=

I hope I will still see ya on IG, killin' together ryozu in an unfair 2v1 then wrting "gf" and making votes to add bots.


Fine with me. You can bring along an additional person who knows how to play, so it'll be a bit more fair. :wink:
I, as a mere whelp on the longship, can only hear the legends of old titans such as Fyrd and exclaim in bewilderment. A mug of mead raised to this old warrior.

As for Blead, may Odin's ravens guide you to safe havens. The Einherjar will await your return.
Flecha said:
My 4000.post.Let's create a party for this ! :razz:

k. You're now officially a spammer.

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