Effects of Honour

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Hi there.

Im confronted with a decision to make and I am not quite sure about the consequences...
Tried to search the topic but found no clues about it.

I got a quest by my king to sent a man of my group to deliver a letter.

If I agree my relation to the king will increase but my honour will fall. I have a subtle idea of what the relation to the king might be good for (gaining new castles and so on) but I have no clue for what honour is good for...

Someone around who can help out with a useful link or a small explanation?

Thank you, Pu

PS: This is the only discussion I found with only vage arguments
Honor increases your relation with those lords and ladies that are classified as honorable (30% or so). To my knowledge it has no effect on dishonorable lords. At least in native it has no other effect.
A good relation with the king has a slight effect on your acquiring new fiefs from the king (you can find the math in one of TheMageLord's tweaks).

What you do depends on your own playing style.
Do you want to play a honorable lord? Use the honorable way.
Do you want to play a dishonorable lord? Use the dishonorable way.
Do you want to please your king? Do any quest he gives you.

The easiest ways to get honor are not capturing lords and refusing money after you hunt down the murder.
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