Need More Info Scene Editor EDITOR resize feature do not work

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a the title say im for a month now tying to resize a map and it dosent work..i follow the editor instruction of how to do it and i keep getting an error

the erorr is "total numbers of new terrain nods along x and y exis cannot be more then 16 and less then 1"

help me
i dont know if its 16 mx per resizing or its 16 as total..cus i think i got to the 16 in total but it disent look like it..i have another map that i did just one resize and the value was 10 and it look way bigger
you can count them one by one, just use the terrain selector and count the number of nodes you have in one direction
I just tested it, resizing does work, if for some reason you have less than 16 but it still cant resize, then maybe try verifying files
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