Editing solid objects in the scene (updated on 01-09-06)

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Is someone looking into making a Scene editor?

It would make it easier than having to do it in game.

EDIT: Read the last post. Trying to get solid objects in the scene...
I'm talking about not having to start with an already set scene. allow to import OBJ files for ground, walls as well as objects.
that can be done at the moment, although i havent tested it yet. Its kinda hard to do until we get material support.
Yoshiboy said:
that can be done at the moment, although i havent tested it yet. Its kinda hard to do until we get material support.

I've tried it, and was not able to add objects that the ingame editor would see to use. What did you find to make that possible? The stuff I made uses the default game materials, so that shouldn't be a porblem for what I've made.
well i would imagine the problem is that objects and new scenes need some kind of 'collission mesh' to stop players from clipping through them. Lurb any details on this?
Yoshiboy: I think the in game editor has the list of models hard coded into it, though I haven't really played with it much.

I think we should just hope Armagan improves on the in game editor in the next version. Any kind of 3d editor is a lot of work... For example my map editor was just under 10,000 lines of code last time I checked, although a simple scene editor might not be quite as complex.

Maybe once I have had enough of the map editor I'll try mess around with a scene editor, but hopefully I wont have to :smile:
Thorgrim said:
Yoshiboy: I think the in game editor has the list of models hard coded into it, though I haven't really played with it much.

I think we should just hope Armagan improves on the in game editor in the next version. Any kind of 3d editor is a lot of work... For example my map editor was just under 10,000 lines of code last time I checked, although a simple scene editor might not be quite as complex.

Maybe once I have had enough of the map editor I'll try mess around with a scene editor, but hopefully I wont have to :smile:

Thanks Thorgrim, but you've got your project. I know the at n008 was working on an importer when lurb put his out, maybe if he shifts gears? (maybe?)

anywayz, if the game isn't even done yet, I'd hope that the focus would be on that first, editor second. If not, they'd just be making an engine of sorts...
Thorgrim said:
Yoshiboy: I think the in game editor has the list of models hard coded into it, though I haven't really played with it much.

I've been thinking about this. I got my walls and tower into the game. I used the editor to put them in the ITEMS group. So I got them in, but as Thorgrim said something is coded in the game. I noticed (and I'll check this again when I get home tonight) that the house/wall/structure things are part of the OBJECTS group. You can see this when using the editor in game. I'm going to check to see if all things in OBJECTS are solid, and if all things in ITEMS are not solid.

In any case, I think that's the flag that editor has to latch on to for us to make custom structures.
Confirmed it. I went back into the game editor and put down some shelves and chairs from the OBJECTS group. Then I put down some things from the ITEMS group. I even put in a stumper horse. None of the ITEMS type were solid. The OBJECTS were solid after exiting and re-entering the map.

It may be that ITEMS are setup for the inventory screens, since I don't seen anywhere where there are thumbnails for the inventory. Anyway, just seeing what I can find out while the editor gurus do their thing.
ok, I don't know much about the TXT files, but I was looking through the SCENE_OBJECTS.TXT file in the DATA folder. this seems to list off all the objects that are solid to place in the editor.

Now, I have made items, and placed ITEMS in the ingame editor. It seems that the unoffical editor edits the ITEM_KINDS1.TXT to add items. The format seems the same, well slightly the same:

gate_house_a 0 gate_house_a bo_gate_house_a 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

I'm gonna try and edit it to add my objects (like my tower with the stairs inside) to see if they are then solid. Will give an update when I've tried it out. If anyone else has tried this and it didn't work... um I guess I missed that post... :oops:

The only long term problem I see if this works is that the SCENE_OBJECTS.TXT file is in a shared area, and may cause conflicts with other mods as people start to change the objects in the scenes. This goes the same with the FLORA_KINDS.TXT, GROUND_SPECS.TXT and possibly all the files in the DATA folder. Hopefully this will be changed in the next version? I know that the AoA mod I am working on may need to make changes to these files...
jik said:
ok, I don't know much about the TXT files, but I was looking through the SCENE_OBJECTS.TXT file in the DATA folder. this seems to list off all the objects that are solid to place in the editor.

Now, I have made items, and placed ITEMS in the ingame editor. It seems that the unoffical editor edits the ITEM_KINDS1.TXT to add items. The format seems the same, well slightly the same:

gate_house_a 0 gate_house_a bo_gate_house_a 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

I'm gonna try and edit it to add my objects (like my tower with the stairs inside) to see if they are then solid. Will give an update when I've tried it out. If anyone else has tried this and it didn't work... um I guess I missed that post... :oops:

The only long term problem I see if this works is that the SCENE_OBJECTS.TXT file is in a shared area, and may cause conflicts with other mods as people start to change the objects in the scenes. This goes the same with the FLORA_KINDS.TXT, GROUND_SPECS.TXT and possibly all the files in the DATA folder. Hopefully this will be changed in the next version? I know that the AoA mod I am working on may need to make changes to these files...

No, no, no...

Solidity is in the bo_meshes.

Bo_meshes can be made with my BRF Maker.

Those numbers do NOT define solidity.

I know of one use for them, which is to make a pretty flame appear at a fixed point in the object (e.g. for a torch).
Sorry for the abrupt post, I wanted to make you aware ASAP and didn't have time to frame proper sentences.

Anyway, here is the thread you missed:

It's got a link to an explanation of the BRF format for body meshes, which is what causes solidity in-game.

Please post here and ask me if you have any questions about solidity, objects, etc; this is all well-known information and has been published on the boards. In fact Lurb knew all about this months ago before he got ill; it was in the code of the brflib which Janus helped me dig up a little while ago.
ah, just noticed that and was going to make a post. Your right. I did notice the addition of the objects having the object name listed, then a 0 then the name again (I guess what the actual OBJ file was) then a 'bo' (or sometimes 'bo_') to the name again. I guess this points to the bo ojbect, but where can I see a sample of one of these? I was looking through the BRFs to see if I could find one... which BRF file holds the bo files?
jik said:
ah, just noticed that and was going to make a post. Your right. I did notice the addition of the objects having the object name listed, then a 0 then the name again (I guess what the actual OBJ file was) then a 'bo' (or sometimes 'bo_') to the name again. I guess this points to the bo ojbect, but where can I see a sample of one of these? I was looking through the BRFs to see if I could find one... which BRF file holds the bo files?

Actually the cleanest (i.e. simplest) solid scene you could find is probably this one right now:

But if you're talking about existing meshes:

Typically the collision mesh for a scene is in the same BRF as the visual mesh. E.g. CommonRes/scene_small_tavern.brf

For the placeable scene objects, they are stored in object_bodies.brf. Not to be confused with body_meshes.brf which contain actual body parts (arms and legs).
Cause after opening up OBJECT_BODIES.BRF all I see is flying_missle listed.

I also looked in the scene_small_tavern.brf, and I see the walls, the ground and the framwork. Which is the bo part?
small_tavern1 is the outer wall
small_tavern2 is the wood frame work
small_tavern6 is the portal locations (doors)
small_tavern8 is the ground

Which of these defines the bo? none of them have that naming. I have my own objects I have created and I need to know how to bring them into the game so that it's solid. This 'bo' thing seems to be what I am missing, but how do I define that? Where do I put it? I need to see a sample one so I can see how it is done.
a collision mesh can be any mesh, in any .BRF, its as simple as that. You just define that mesh for the collision mesh of the scene or for the collision mesh of an object.

The way you type it up sounds simple. How do you define it? It would be nice to be able to make a simpler box mesh to define the walled areas (I can do this easily), but again, I have never done that for this game. I need to know where to put the collision mesh, and how to tell the game what collision mesh to use.

I've gotten some good feed back but it is all theory until I've given some concrete info... How about asume I have made a box called box. I have made a collision mesh for it called (for the sake of naming) bo_box. How do I tell get game that :

1. bo_box is the collision mesh for box
2. add box to the OBJECTS list.

(has this been posted somewhere and I just missed it? I've been posting about this for a month now...)
if you want to make a new object it become slighly complecated. (and at the moment i wouldnt want anyone really doing it as the object details arnt modular)

For the theory of collision meshes lets say that you are making a new scene.

You make a the box object which will be the visible part of the scene, as in, it has a texture etc.

Then you would duplicate this mesh and cut off the bits you dont need (col meshes are much better low polly)

This mesh would define where the game needs to stop the other meshes from clipping with it.

You now have the normal mesh and it's collision mesh.

You make a new .BRF and put both your meshes in it. Although naming is not important it would be better to put bo_ in front of the colllision mesh.

In scenes.txt you then just refer your scene to use these new meshes.

The first name is the name of the mesh, the second refers to the collision mesh.

It's quite straight forward.
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