editing a hero

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i want to add another hero or change one to female. i have tryed useing the editor and it keeps crashing on me. help
  1. i think what everyone does is take an unused charecter and rename them.
  2. there was a setting for male/female in the editor, i think.
  3. i've never had it crash. if it does with you, look at the resource compilation sticky and see charecters.txt or something like that
i tryed the editor i can change the name but the face and body stays male when i change it.
Grim said:
i want to add another hero or change one to female. i have tryed useing the editor and it keeps crashing on me. help

The editor crashes or the game crashes? If the editor is crashing, could you tell me how to reproduce.

What version of the editor are you using?
the gane would crash if i added another hero. thanks to Ancientwanker i got the female hero i wanted but it would still be nice to know how to add another
If it is the game, and you are certain you have loaded a new game...

...are you sure you are not trying to make bearded women?

I think the women must have the beard value reset to zero.


Convert the face value to octal system (Windows Calculator will do).

This should be on the form of four numbers (leading zero might not show).

These numbers, reading from the left, mean hair color, hair type, beard type, skin type. (If I remember it correctly, didn't check prior to writing this post.) The second from the left has to be 0. So, write the number down, then re-type it to Calculator, convert back to decimal system, and copy-paste to the editor and save.

EDIT: At this version, the castle guards have nothing to do. Hence, you could overwrite them, and then change the appropriate line on the conversation.txt to make them join you.
At this version, the castle guards have nothing to do. Hence, you could overwrite them, and then change the appropriate line on the conversation.txt to make them join you.

ok where are the castle guards, and how can i edit conversation? i tryed before but a dont get what i need to do
Probably easiest to do if you download Effidian's editor.

The caste guards are located after the counts in the units file. They are currently placed in the town squares, which are not ingame, so you do additionnally need to relocate them.

Tips for conversation editing can be found in various threads, like
Conversation mod done to the gladiators by Lost-Lamb: (Can be used as a template, just applied to the appropriate 'Yes?' line in conversations.txt, not the gladiator's conversation.)
Cool , i was wondering what those castle_gaurd's were. Also , are the undead guys kinda like the guard's? Like , havn't bein placed yet?
Search for 'Undead'... there are a few threads explaining that they are a remnant from the time when M&B (or was it Warrider?) had fantasy elements.
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