editing a few things about companions

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i would really like to be able to use all the companions without worrying about them arguing because they don't like so and so, we ran out of food, etc.  and i'd also like it if they auto salvaged good stuff from the battles, but would still let me edit what they are armed with. and if possible could i make it so they auto leveled up?

i have experience with python and modding mount and blade but i've never done editing to do with these sorta things, so if i can do these sorta things a point in the right direction would be appreciated.

Unless I'm mistaken, $disable_npc_complaints should already be in the code and it seems to work like you'd expect.

Autosalvaging:  Fisheye's Autoloot + Rubik's fixes.

Auto-levelling might be harder.  Let us know what you find out if you try it.

I know you can do it manually like this:


I'm just taking a peek at a way to change it using the module system. Manual changes FTW

EDIT: ignore this, i'm a noob to modding XD
i'm gonna download the module system tomorrow and i'll have a look to see if i can some how make autoleveling work.  as for the companions fixes i'm curious does this also make it so that your companions won't complain about you raiding towns, running out of food etc?
Tricket said:
i'm gonna download the module system tomorrow and i'll have a look to see if i can some how make autoleveling work. 
Let us know what you find. 

as for the companions fixes i'm curious does this also make it so that your companions won't complain about you raiding towns, running out of food etc?
I believe so.  The global in question shows up in the right places but I haven't picked through the code more than that to see what it does.
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