Başlatma ekranında "configure"e bas. enable_edit_mode = 1 yap. Düzenlemek istediğin mekanda ctrl+E'ye bas. Burada help ekranında yazıyor ama komutlar şöyle;
ctrl-E Makes you start/stop editing.If you stop you will get a choice if you want to save or not.
Insert Create thing right infront of you.
delete Destroy the item curretly selected
ctrl-left/right arrow Changes category of the thing you create (got to create to see what you do).
left/right arrow Changes the specific item in the category you have chosen (got to create to see).
page up/down Cycels trough the items already created.
enter Selects the targeted item
W,S,A,D Move camera around.
C,F Move camera up and down.
T (hold, move mouse) Move item up and down.
U (hold, move mouse) Rotate item left and right.
G (hold, move mouse) Move item around.
Y (hold, move mouse) Rotate item around the "Y-axis".
Z (hold, move mouse) Rotate item around the "Z-axis".
X (hold, move mouse) Rotate item around the "X-axis".
R Set item in a strait position