Edible Prisoners

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  [anyone,"prisoner_chat", [], "What? You've already put me in chains, what more do you want to do?", "prisoner_chat_2",[]],
  [anyone|plyr,"prisoner_chat_2", [], "Well, as it happens, you look rather tasty . . . Let's have a bite.", "prisoner_chat_3",[]],
  [anyone|plyr,"prisoner_chat_2", [], "Nothing.", "close_window",[]],
  [anyone,"prisoner_chat_3", [], "No! Nooooooooo!", "prisoner_chat_4",
  [anyone|plyr,"prisoner_chat_4", [], "There. Someone bring me my boning knife!", "close_window",[]],

I win the thread.  :!:

Thank you winter, but could you copy dried meat, and rename it human meat, then make that spawn?

Never mind, i just realised that people could copy that into their M&B code, an item would be kinda hard though :oops: :oops:
sneakey pete said:
Thank you winter, but could you copy dried meat, and rename it human meat, then make that spawn?

Never mind, i just realised that people could copy that into their M&B code, an item would be kinda hard though :oops: :oops:

I didn't want to add the complexity an extra item, but if it is so desired . . .

 ["manflesh","manflesh", [("raw_meat",0)], itp_type_goods|itp_consumable|itp_food, 0, 12,weight(40)|food_quality(30)|max_ammo(40),imodbits_none],

Just add that at the bottom of your module_items.py and replace itm_dried_meat in my conversation with itm_manflesh . No extra meshes or textures required. It keys on the same mesh as horse_meat, so it'll look nice and gooey.

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