Easy Knock-Out Tactics

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Do you allways dread doing the capture mission?
Or -sighing- when you have to do all the knock out's yourself?

Step 1:
Get Borcha and Marcus, give them each a mace.
Step 2:
Hunt groups which have "Manhunters" as captives.
Step 3:
Level "Manhunters" up to "Slaver Chief"
Step 4:
Knock out every opponent in the battle. :smile:

Slaver chiefs are pretty good, horseback and mail + heavy mace = knocked out opponent. :smile:
One thing ive noticed is that when i simulate battles with the nobleman, he is always knocked unconscious in the first round. Ive only done this three or four times so i'm wondering if it's a fluke or if this really does work.
scipio said:
One thing ive noticed is that when i simulate battles with the nobleman, he is always knocked unconscious in the first round. Ive only done this three or four times so i'm wondering if it's a fluke or if this really does work.

Yup ive experienced the same thing, he never gets killed when sending your soldiers to attack.
Could be a usefull little loophole, especially since most people don't really care how many knights etc they lose. Plus once the first battle has been won and he is unconcious you can enter the battle and clean up at a minimal lose of life.
ciryadin said:
Do you allways dread doing the capture mission?
Or -sighing- when you have to do all the knock out's yourself?

Step 1:
Get Borcha and Marcus, give them each a mace.
Step 2:
Hunt groups which have "Manhunters" as captives.
Step 3:
Level "Manhunters" up to "Slaver Chief"
Step 4:
Knock out every opponent in the battle. :smile:

Slaver chiefs are pretty good, horseback and mail + heavy mace = knocked out opponent. :smile:

Good tactics, if you're into taking prisoners. Not me though, not JonathanStrange. They eat more food than I make from selling 'em.
JohnathanStrange said:
Good tactics, if you're into taking prisoners. Not me though, not JonathanStrange. They eat more food than I make from selling 'em.

.... plus they drain your movement and who knows when you'll be near zendar or the salt merchant.
Cataphract said:
scipio said:
One thing ive noticed is that when i simulate battles with the nobleman, he is always knocked unconscious in the first round. Ive only done this three or four times so i'm wondering if it's a fluke or if this really does work.

Yup ive experienced the same thing, he never gets killed when sending your soldiers to attack.

Actually, I've experienced the opposite. I had a few frustrating battles where I saw "Nobleman killed by Swadian Knight..."
Aethelwyn said:
Actually, I've experienced the opposite. I had a few frustrating battles where I saw "Nobleman killed by Swadian Knight..."
If you're seeing that message, it means you chose to attack with your soldiers. They're talking about when you stay out of the battle and let the game sort out who dies and who is knocked unconscious automatically. Personally though, I haven't had any trouble getting to the noblemen before my troops do, especially since I order them to stay put while I go chasing after him.
Problem is missile troops esp. mounted ones who don't listen to hold position commands and charge off to pop the target.
Laurence of Arabia said:
To catch noblemen i just use a jousting lance.
Exactly! I was just about to write the same thing :smile: If I don't have any blunt weapon, I kill his horse and knock him down with horse charge.
Hold position, everyone dismounts but me, jousting lance + winged mace as weapons and a spirited courser. I dash to meet the boogies and if the nobleman isn't amongst them I make them chase me to my troops and let them take care of the first wave. Then hurry back to wait for the second wave. I repeat as necesary until the target appears.
Try jousting lance+balanced warhammer.

That is a sweet combo. With sufficient proficiency, you can even take on dark knights like that with little loss in efficiency.

You don't really need the money at that point tho.
and here is THE tatcic

step1. train your archery skills in zender till 80 or something(level3) and train powerdraw and agility
step2. get borcha and other guy
step3. attack river pirates killing them with your bow, and borcha or other one has mace so he gets prisoners..
step4. make money, buy good bow(req. power draw4, some 93 speed, and some 27p damage, get those +1(or +2, but never saw those) arrows, possibly 25pack
step5. kill everyone on first shot and continue training archery... thers no one that you cant kill!

in battle go on a hill where its hard to reach you so nobody can reach you fastly(or on a horse) so you shoot them dead first, and have borcha and other guy guard you and knock some people out or kill them....
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