Resolved e1.5.8 My 12 year old brother gained a level

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Yes, but I removed mods.
Summary: My 12 year old brother gained a level when I started riding after winning a battle
How to Reproduce: N/A
Scene Name (if related): N/A
Media (Screenshots & Video): Save file uploaded for just after it happened
Computer Specs: See signature
This is happening since because your children even under 18 are acting as emissaries, so they are gaining charm to eventually level. This is even with death of.
my younger sister alaya is 15 and have 41 in charm because i parked my older brother in a city
my younger brother got only 15 in charm and is 12.
they both got level ups because of that... probably.
i also made a thread about that a few days ago and they are working on it.
Younger sister just reached "adulthood", and graduated with 53 charm, lol...and yeah, had a few levels right out of the box due to it.
Hey, i would like to inform you that our team have fixed this issue and the fix should be implemented. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
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