Resolved [e1.0.5] Reset during trade after an animal slaughter only reset denars

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Reproduction steps :
- initiate trade with either a town/caravan/village
- move any items to either inventory
- slaughter an animal
- reset

This should leave the moved items untouched and reset the cost, effectively making it 0 in exchange for a bit of blood.
Same happened to me;

I moved some stuff over to the seller side in the city. Later slaughtered some hogs. Then I accidentally clicked on refresh.

There was no return for most of the items.

I tried it one more time but I wasn't able to recreate the same situation at that time. (It might not be a constant bug)

How to Reproduce:
As the thread author instructions

Version: [e1.0.5]
Computer Specs:
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
CPU: i7-5700HQ
Motherboard: ABRA A5 V5.2
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): (SSD) Intel SSDSCKKW256G8
Hello, thanks for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, we were unable to respond to this topic when it was first created. If you are still experiencing this issue with the latest live or beta versions of the game, please leave a reply to this thread so we can forward to the team for investigation.
Hey! I'm going to mark this thread as resolved. If the problem persists, please let me know. Cheers!
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