Dynamic lighting reflections

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Is there any way I can change the way the dynamic lighting reflects on different armour?, I've retextured a chainmail armor into leather but the lighting reflections makes ut look like brown chainmail..

So, any ideas?
don't know that this is the best place for this thread (the general mod thread might be better) but hey who really cares :smile: .

Anyway to answer your question I believe that what you are haveing a problemwith is the alpha channel of the texture, which can be edited in photoshop or some other programs. Usually the light color in an alpha channel is shininess so I think if you just colored it black it would make it normal again...so hope that helps
I think the "shiny" effect is a standard mesh property, it might be changeable in the material editor, adjust the shader setting.
ah, i also had this problem when saving custom skins, eventually i realised that for some reason the alphamap actually wasnt saving properly.
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