duno why game doesnt work on some pc i just know fix

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right click, Run As, select the "Following User" box should say Admin type your password in and bada-bin bada-boom it works after you do this you no longer have to run as or anything works fine i dl'd a newer version when it came out and still did not have to redo this GL ALL! hope this works for everyone

fine fine :wink: be mean here is the fix

[email protected]

EDIT -.- to lazy to fix typo ect.
Welcome to the forums, Drathe. :smile:

I appreciate that you want to help others solve a problem and I understand that you want to take credit for it ... but posting it in several places is un-needed.

Also ... your thread title doesn't really explain what problem you solved. An open-ended statement of "why the game isn't running' doesn't really descibe things well. :shock:

Hope to see you around,

any better? XD as for multiple posting i duno how many people read the sticky... forums i usually post on noone ever reads past first page sorry :razz:
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