Dungeons & Dragons Online

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Lu Bu

Anyone here interested in the game or even plays the Beta?

And if you know the game, what do you think about it? Worth paying for?
For me, nothing can replace kicking it old-school with dice ^^

*Rolls d12*

I was in the beta and I can tell you that it wasn't that good. Terrible lag problems (not just me- read along the forums.) Combat is glitchy and uses too many strange controls (imagine having to use the wasd keys to move around, while pressing the #1-9 keys, aiming/ clicking mouse1 & 2 all at the same time with non-responsive keys and lots of lag :smile:). Everything is instanced- the zones are incredibly small and take around 5-10 seconds to load (very annoying when you have to load out of a dungeon into the city center, then go to a different part of the city, and then load into the tavern just to complete a quest.)

Looks and sounds great, but it feels awkward to say the least- especially with tons of instances (ala Guild Wars.) If that's your kind of thing, go for it. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of instances and prefer all players to be playing in the same, persistent world and not in seperate shards of a single world.
Hmmm i for myself will see if there is something like open beta or 10 day testing for free.
If not i wont bother paying for ddo...

I also heard ddo has a buildin voice system...but i doubt that it will make anything easier...
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